Am down to three methylprednisone tablets tomorrow and I am taking 100mg of gabapentin every 4 hours. From what I have read here, these are small doses.
What I don't like is the fact that my head feels under pressure, and I am getting small pains in deep between my eyes, my right eye orbit and cheek now. My original attack was on my left, and my L cheek is trying really hard sometimes, but it can't seem to get up steam.
i am so afraid of going off of anything I am taking for fear the right side will do this again.
Are these other faint pains, just my bodys way of saying "what the Hell?" Or do I need to go back to the doc and discuss further?. Just don't have the experience with this yet. My first attack was only 8 days ago. Oddly the most instant trigger for me, is just thinking about it. I am better off If I work and keep really busy.
I’m not sure if some of this is med reaction…or not enough meds… Perhaps somebody could take you to an ER To see what’s goin on instead of waiting…Many of us have had to do this when things get unbearable…confusing…I know this is opposite of you not thinking about it… Do you want the link to the urgent care form that explains someTN?
The pains are so faint, That I don't feel its an emergency.
I just will have to go back to the doctor and discuss this on Monday if its still going on.
If it gets nasty this weekend, I will do what I have to do to get though it.
Is this hard on your brain? Sometimes the pain seems more than nerves to me.
Is that a common feeling?
Can you be more specific with "hard on your brain"?
When the vessel beats on the nerve with every heartbeat - thousands upon thousands of times - it eventually puts a dent in the nerve....if classic TN - very specific place - not whole brain
Go to Google Images
Type in Trigeminal Neuralgia
Type in Atypical Face Pain
See which pictures describe you best --- sometimes good to print one and take to doctor for a visual for them!
Its been nine days since my first attack. My brain feels under pressure kind of. I get pain deep between my eyes. Not hard pain, just hard enough to notice. My left side is trying to hurt, but I think the prednisone and the gabapintin is working to stop it. i do feel like my head is "different". Thats the only way I know to put it. I am having some fain pain on my right side too. Just barely noticeable but there. Right now its in my forehead. A minuet ago it was my left eye and cheekbone. I feel like that nerve is just really po'd. My question is, does this ever go totally away?