4 days post op MVD

Kathy…you made it thru and home…yea! Every time Casey does an MVD an angel gets its wings. Lol

Thanks for sharing the pic Kathy. Not too bad of a scar there and not too much hair shaved. I hope Dr. C does the same for me :). Did you tell him to shave as little as possible? So glad you are back home. I bet it feel so good to be in your own bed.

KC- he’s got a ton of angels up there! I love how when I was trying to thank him, he said you know who to thank while pointing upward!! Many surgeons think they are God, rather than crediting God for the skills he gave them. That was so awesome!!

Mybell-thanks! You are so right, it is so great to be home!! Wish I could sleep in my bed, but I just can’t get comfortable. Lying flat or even with pillows seem to increase my pain. I have been sleeping in a recliner. Ice packs are my new best friend, couldn’t imagine putting ice on my head before I always used heat. As for the incision, I didn’t say anything about how much to shave, just figured they’d do what they had to do. It’s really much smaller than I anticipated.

Yikes . . we don't even own a recliner! Guess I'll have to fix up our basement sectional to get me propped up. I'll just claim the basement as "my room" for a couple of weeks since I'll have a bathroom on my own there and the best TV in the house LOL.

Do you have a train of meals coming your way? I have so many people that want to bring meals and I'm assuming that recovery will be about 6 weeks so I'm using www.caringbridge.org to set up a page for people to sign up for meals and carpooling kids. One of my girlfriends will take charge of it as the "administrator" so that I don't have to bother with it once I'm recovering. I'm sure it's not too late to start that. Your husband or one of your best girlfriends can set it up for you easily. It's just nice to not be concerned about any of our Mom duties for a few weeks and just concentrate on healing. I hope that you are doing that. You certainly have a lot of prayers coming your way :).

I love that Dr. Casey gave a little shout out to God for thanks. I've had so many people praying for me and I honestly think that God listened to those prayers and lead me to Dr. Casey and to the strength and courage to say go to this surgery.

Take care of you, Kathy. More prayers for you as you are healing!



That’s fantastic! I’m so happy for you! I hope the pain stays away and you have a speedy recovery.

Just checking in with you, Kathy (and also to bump this up). I hope that you are getting better day by day. I have been thinking of you often this past week and have sent a few prayers your say :). Keep taking it easy and letting others do for you. No need to reply. Please wait until you are feeling better.


Thanks for checking in Marcelle, can’t believe it’s been 2 weeks already! I am improving a little bit each day. Only taking Alleve for head pain/pressure and an occasional diazepam to relax neck muscles. Nausea, disequilibrium and dizziness would be my main issues right now. Drinking lots of ginger tea rather than taking meds which make my more off balance. My post op report states Trigeminal and Geniculate neuralgia due to the nerves compressed, so I’m guessing people with straight TN might recover faster or not have such an issue balance. I borrowed a wheeled walker, the kind with brakes and a seat- kind of embarrassing;) but this way I can get around the house without someone walking with me all the time. I use it less and less in the house now, but do take it when my husband or kids and I go for a walk. I am up to walking a 1/2 mile, slowly with about 2 rest periods sitting on the walker seat.

I also bought a shower chair, because I want to shower everyday and couldn’t stand long enough initially to take one. Remember, I am an Occupational Therapist, so I guess I figure these things help the pts I see, so why not use them. Now I shower sitting on the chair without my husbands help…it’s the little things in life you take for granted!

I did not think of setting up a Caring Bridge site but thats a good idea. Luckily, meals have been steadily coming in and my family sent us tons of fresh, organic, locally grown fruits/ veggies from Irv and Shelly’s Fresh Picks, anyone in the Midwest should check them out. I think they are in Illinios. My son is 17 so drives himself where he needs to go, and friends help carpooling my daughter. My husband is off about 9 more days. I am nervous for him to go back to work.

My Tn type 2 constant pain on my left side of my head is gone! I am getting maybe 3 stab of pain on my left most days, but actually none yesterday. My right side has calmed down a bit too- (even though my surgery was on the left) I have type 1 on that side with maybe 3-5 stabs a day. Still huge improvement, waiting and praying things will just keep improving!

Oh Kathy !! Fantastic news!!
Your case definitely is complex, but also shows what improvements can be made with both types if TN! That’s great news!! Keep the mellow vibes rolling!! Every day will be better, you are inspiring! Exercising, and keeping active! High five!!! :raised_hand: Every day and week will be better!!

Cheering you on----- tiff

Thanks Tiff! You have been a HUGE inspiration for me!!! Hope work is going great and you feel better than ever:)

It's great to hear that your TN pain has been reduced that much! YAY!!!

Hope you keep improving every day!

Continued success Kathy! So pleased for you!
(( hugs )) Mimi xx

Kathy said:

Thanks for checking in Marcelle, can't believe it's been 2 weeks already! I am improving a little bit each day. Only taking Alleve for head pain/pressure and an occasional diazepam to relax neck muscles. Nausea, disequilibrium and dizziness would be my main issues right now. Drinking lots of ginger tea rather than taking meds which make my more off balance. My post op report states Trigeminal and Geniculate neuralgia due to the nerves compressed, so I'm guessing people with straight TN might recover faster or not have such an issue balance. I borrowed a wheeled walker, the kind with brakes and a seat- kind of embarrassing;) but this way I can get around the house without someone walking with me all the time. I use it less and less in the house now, but do take it when my husband or kids and I go for a walk. I am up to walking a 1/2 mile, slowly with about 2 rest periods sitting on the walker seat.

I also bought a shower chair, because I want to shower everyday and couldn't stand long enough initially to take one. Remember, I am an Occupational Therapist, so I guess I figure these things help the pts I see, so why not use them. Now I shower sitting on the chair without my husbands help....it's the little things in life you take for granted!

I did not think of setting up a Caring Bridge site but thats a good idea. Luckily, meals have been steadily coming in and my family sent us tons of fresh, organic, locally grown fruits/ veggies from Irv and Shelly's Fresh Picks, anyone in the Midwest should check them out. I think they are in Illinios. My son is 17 so drives himself where he needs to go, and friends help carpooling my daughter. My husband is off about 9 more days. I am nervous for him to go back to work.

My Tn type 2 constant pain on my left side of my head is gone! I am getting maybe 3 stab of pain on my left most days, but actually none yesterday. My right side has calmed down a bit too- (even though my surgery was on the left) I have type 1 on that side with maybe 3-5 stabs a day. Still huge improvement, waiting and praying things will just keep improving!

Just great news Kathy. Its such a wonderful feeling to be rid of that pain and praying that its forever. Continue healing and you have shown others that there is hope.

Thank you all for your support, it means so much to me!!

Hi Kathy

I’ve been following too and am very happy to hear of your recovery and also the things you thought of like a chair for shower, etc. such good practical ideas. Also that ginger tea is helping. Wonderful you have all this continued support.

All good wishes

Appreciate your updates, I had all my pre-operated tests done today, less than 3 weeks to go for my surgery. Hope I can get off these meds/


Thanks Bellalarke! I did read somewhere that ginger is more effective than Dramamime for nausea/ motion sickness seems to help me without making me so sleepy.

Wow John, that’s great! One step closer! Hope you can get rid of those meds too! Keep us posted!

Hi I'm 19 days post op MVD. I was the same with recovery as you are minus the nausea. Although I was getting very sick in the ICU, I felt much better the second day. Today was my first day back to nursing school and feel alright. Keep up the walking! Good luck!


Merra - WOW!! You are doing awesome! I can’t believe you’re back in school. I thought I was doing well because I made it to my daughters volleyball game. Still not driving, the nausea and dizziness are slow to improve.

Very encouraging news from both of you. Love hearing it-:slight_smile:
Amy, amazing, simply amazing. Let us know how your energy keeps up.
Kathy, getting out to the game a big milestone! I hope the nausea and dizziness subsides soon.
Best to you both.