4 days POST MVD

SO I had my MVD surgery this past wed June 6th. It is now Sunday. I got to go home on the Friday after.

I had to do PT and OT
When I woke up after the surgery I had no TN pain. I DO have paralysis on the left side of my face, mouth and tongue. Dr does not know if or when it will come back.

The first night was very rough in ICU. could not ge in a comfortable position and myneck was soooo sore.

The DR told me he found 1 blood vessel and 2 veins wrapped around the nerve so he had to "manipulate the hell out of ther nerve"

My balance and coordination are still slightly off. So Im stayin at my mothers one storye house so I can get around easier and have help doing things.

I got to go pretty soon after the surgery. I DID want my own bed and doggies to cuddle but If you plan on getting this done do NOT let them send you home with out a cuple of doses of meds tgo be sure your pain is controlled. For me, percocet and flexril was what worked for me.

If you have any questions on MVD I would be happy to answer.

Thanks again for all the prayers and well wishes! You all helped me more than youll ever know and I will always be forever grateful for each one of you! I hope you all get the relief you need from this horrible devil! If my story or answers could just help one of you then it was worth it! keep faith! I had a miracle happen when I needed it most and was really at the point where I didnt want to live anymore.

I'm so glad you got the TN pain out of the way for the present --- mine came back at week 11 - but only smallllll percentage

every week since then -- less and less -- the real marker is your one year date --- keep that in mind! Keep Posting!

Kc Dancer Kc said:

I'm so glad you got the TN pain out of the way for the present --- mine came back at week 11 - but only smallllll percentage

every week since then -- less and less -- the real marker is your one year date --- keep that in mind! Keep Posting!

I had my MVD surgery on April 20 of this year. My Dr. found an arterty on the nerve. I have been home for about 5 weeks now. Slowly going back to work, I am still very tired. My neuroloist said to go down a little on my tegretol (which was causes my double vision). I did for about a week and then the pain started to come back?! He said if that happens to go back up again. Will this go away? It made me nervous again, like I would never be rid of this! You mentioned one year. I have a follow-up with my neurosurgeon soon so I guess I have more questions for him. Did you have pinching/burning on the top of your head? Any questions would be helpful thanks.