3rd mvd needed

1st mvd lasted 2 years, 2nd mvd lasted 1 1/2 years. I am going to have to have the 3rd mvd. Anyone have had 3 or more?

I had only one such operation. The side effect, a brain infection, nearly killed me. But I did get six free weeks in the University of Washington Medical School Hospital. where the operation ocurred. My rub with death convinced me never to have MVD again.

I have quelled my terrible tic with VimPat and Lyrica. VimPat every 4 hours, Lyrica morning, noon and night.

I had my MVD in 2014 and it did get rid of my horrible head pain, which I thought was being caused by several veins being in direct contact with a nerve. But I think trigeminal is more than just a couple nerves , it encompasses a whole battery of nerves varying in size and intensity. although my terrible all-encompassing head pain has gone, I still contend with pain in my face, which for the most part is handled with several pills. My advice: If the pain is so severe that you can not function, get the MVD Good Luck

I see my first answer was incomplete. After 20 some years of pain so severe flashes can cause me to fall to my knees, I have quelled the pain in four-hour takes by a combination of 1mg VimPat (Lacosamide) four to five times a day and 40 mg. Lyrica three times a day. This combination lasts plus or minus four hours. Keeping to a four-hour schedule is important. Else the pain will nab me. I suggest to all who inquire, to say, yes VimPat is terribly expensive in the U.S., thanks to avaricious, selfish patent owners. So shop where you can overseas. I buy mine in India. My commercial contact is excellent. I do warn to buy enough to see you through two or three months and restock earlier enough not to run out.


    August 17

I had my MVD in 2014 and it did get rid of my horrible head pain, which I thought was being caused by several veins being in direct contact with a nerve. But I think trigeminal is more than just a couple nerves , it encompasses a whole battery of nerves varying in size and intensity. although my terrible all-encompassing head pain has gone, I still contend with pain in my face, which for the most part is handled with several pills. My advice: If the pain is so severe that you can not function, get the MVD Good Luck

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    August 15

I had only one such operation. The side effect, a brain infection, nearly killed me. But I did get six free weeks in the University of Washington Medical School Hospital. where the operation ocurred. My rub with death convinced me never to have MVD again. I have quelled my terrible tic with VimPa…

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