I am so excited to hear that Botox may help. I was totally unaware of this. I had MVD in Sep and the pain has only become more frequent and more severe since then. My neurologist says the only procedure available at the point is the Gamma Knife , which has a poor success rate and may cause permanent numbness. I would love to visit a neurologist who has other ideas. Any suggestions? I am in Fl.
I get Botox regimen for chronic migraine and found that it interrupts the nerve pain in the right side if my face…same side as the chronic migraine pain. My pain specialist does the injections every 6-8 weeks. The nerve is only helped for about 4 weeks, and requires a little less medication during those weeks. Getting poked 50 times in the crown of my head and a teeny bit in the face is not for the faint of heart. I’ve done this since 2009, and am happy to have it prop me up for a small portion of time.
Poor success rate with Gamma Knife??? I wonder why my neuro said it was 98% successful that's scary now hearing that. I don't feel so confident now getting that operation that she is pushing me so hard to get.
I just got back from the maxillofacial Dr. that sent me to the neurosurgeon who performed the MVD and is now saying the Gamma knife is my only next alternative. I asked him about the Gamma Knife and he said "No In many cases it just makes it worse." It seems you never know. They all have their own opinions. Best of luck to you.