2 failed MVDs. What do I do?

I went to my neurosurgeon today and suggests Gamma after two failed MVDs since August 2011. What do I do? I am so desperate and I feel that I have no choice. Does anyone know anything about gamma knife? Any suggestions? Thank you in advance.

I'm a patient at Columbia Pres in NYC. The neurosurgeons there, I saw 3 said that MVD would not be considered until I underwent Gamma Knife. I underwent Gamma Knife on 2/1/12. I'm told that it may be 6-8 mos before I found relief. It would be done 2x's before MVD would be considered. I'm told that they preform GM about 100x's a year and have an 85% success rate. GM was a one day precedure, arrived at 6am, out at 12 noon. I found the installation of the frame to my skull very uncomfortable (4bolts), wearing a frame I underwent an MRI and then to the GM machine which as very peaceful. I went home with no restrictions and returned to work the next day. GM attempts to hit your nerve and created a controlled "injury" which hopefully will created a lesion on the nerve and hopefully disable the nerve impulses which are the pain. My ins was billed aprox $90,000 for the procedure.

I am so happy for you and I believe you got the right information about GM. My daughter got the MVD first and now she is afraid to get the GM. Her dr. was suposed to be the best. I think he is a quack, it didn't work and all he cares about is if he will be sued. (which she never even considered. Her pain now is much, much, worse.

comment below.

I am surprised you had the second MVD. I hear better things about GM. My daughter had the MVD once and now she is afraid to have the GM. I wish you the best and I will pray for you DonnaS.

I had a MVD in Aug 2008 & now admit I am a failure. It worked for 3 1/2 years with occasional flare ups. I saw a new neurosurgeon this week that is very experienced. He says that MVD has a 65% success rate. I have a consultation with a radiation oncologist to explore GM on 8/20. He feels it is a better option for me & I like the non evasive aspect.
The bad news is that my success rates will be less than the statistics because the MVD was a failure. He did say GM could take a few days to weeks to work if it does but can be done multiple times.
Bases on Anne’s comment it is surely expensive & similar to my MVD ncluding the hospital stay.
I like the non surgical option but the headgear does freak me out!,

I am sorry to hear your symptoms have come back. Good luck with your appointment. I had cyberknife in June. Not much relief yet. My neurosurgeon told me that I could get relief as soon as a month but could be up to 5-6 months. Much slower process than the MVD. Cyberknife or gammaknife is much easier. That was really nice. I am really hoping this is going to work. If this doesn’t, then I don’t know what other options there are besides another dose of radiation. I have had zero luck with anything I seem to try. I am still trying to stay positive and feel that I will beat this one day. I wish you the best and please keep me us updated!! Good Luck!!