Worse laying down?

Hello everyone, thanks for the very warm welcome. I was recently diagnosed with TN and so far have been successfully managing
The pain with tegretol, which I love for letting me sleep, and hate for making me itchy. Does anyone else
Experience attacks only after laying down?

Hi Marisa, welcome, welcome. I hope you find as much comfort here as I do. Super educational , amazing people. The answer to your question, I get some of the worst pain when I lay down or bend over. If I am already in a full blown episode, I can't do either one. Period. If I can ever get to sleep, I am usually ok. But I have had the the electric stabs wake me up many times. A doctor once told me that if it was waking me up that it couldn't be TN. Lol. Somebody forgot to tell him that there are no real "rules". All doctors should "hang out" here for a while. :-) Hugs, Sara

Hi Heather, That really helped me too. It still does. Wet heat does seems to be the best for me. Cold seems to make it worse. I haven't tried it yet but I read that a sock of rock salt that is heated with a warm damp cloth in between helped. I am interested to know if it will work any better. Hugs, Sara

Heather said:

Yes, Marisa! That's how mine was in the early stages. It was ONLY when I would lay down at night. Sometimes a warm, moist washcloth would help. I also would have my husband wet the kids socks and nuke them in the microwave, then put them in a plastic baggie with another moist rag over it. It was soothing quite often and helped me sleep. Sounds weird, but it helped. Hope it helps you!

hi marisa welcome you will find alot of answers to your questions here and yes my pain was definately worse when i laid down but when i went on trileptal it helped for a while. my dr told me that TN affects eveyone differently dependiing on what area or areas were affected and what type of TN you have

You can try prescription lidocaine patch or cream for your face --- try that laying down! It's like novicaine - worked for me!