What treatments have people tried for TN2?

Over 40 years ago I was diagnosed with what was then called Tic Della Rue. The pain was unreal. Meds didn’t work for me. Shortly after my neuro surgeon did a procedure (I don’t know what it was called). The procedure was like hearing up the nerve group with heated needle in affect killing the nerve. It was the best decision I ever made I have lived over 40 years, pain Free. There are issues with the procedure but it was worth being without that pain.

My ATN is pretty much constant now. I may have to go to a neurologist soon to try to find a drug that will help. TN was awful pain but was occasional, this is constant, about at the end of patience with it. Thanks.

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Hi. My Neurosurgeon did the same. “Fusing the nerves” I still have pain and I take Tegretol every day but I do believe it helped with the severity of the pain flares.
Riana :blush:

My neurologist is very negative about my using Klonipin. He says I must stop by the time I am 72. Currently 68. Says he worries about if slowing breathing. I have panic attacks and it helps me get through the day. I’ve tried every thing out there prior to Klonipin with various bad side effects. Anyone else dealing with Neuro issues about Klonipin

Dependent = Needed and taken therapeutically, as directed.

Abuse = If one is good, three should be better. Off-label use, not as directed.