New medication

my GP has put me on amitriptyline. who else is on this and is it helping you and what side effects did you have?

I have atypical odontalgia and was prescribed amitriptyline. It gives me a very dry mouth and makes me very tired even though I took the dosage at 7 pm . It did get rid of the pain. My daughter also took it for a bladder problem and she didnt have any side effects:)

I took it...made me sleep and relax somewhat. May have initially helped with pain, but after several months I'm not sure it was doing anything more than conking me out at night. No other real side effects. Quit taking it when I started tegetrol because my stomach was bothering me and I thought I would try giving up the amitryptiline. I was only on 25 mgs at night.

Put this in search box…many here have wrote about it

I have/am in the exact same shoe as you Stephanie and I am researched long and hard and even had an MVD. That sad, my strong opinion is TCA (tricyclic antidepressant) such as amitriptyline or nortriptyline are the gold standard for Atypical Odontalgia. Im a 6'6" male, 225 lbs and amitriptyline caused side-effects in me including delusions, dry mouth and urinary retention. My doctor switched me to nortriptyline which seems to have fewer side effects and it has helped me. I still had dry mouth and urinary retention however even that has gone away. A word of caution that I wish someone would have told me was not to take Tegretol (Carbamazepin) at the same time as a TCA. In short, Tegretol lessens the efficacy of a TCA or requires you to take more Tegretol to get the same effect as not taking it.

My pain level went down considerably once I got adjusted to a TCA and trust me I tested ever potential solution. Happy to help you in anyway I can. I know your pain....truly miserable. I didn't think I'd ever get better. I still have some bad days here and there, but by and large I am is so much a better place now. Hang in there.....I'm confident you will get better!

stephanie said:

I have atypical odontalgia and was prescribed amitriptyline. It gives me a very dry mouth and makes me very tired even though I took the dosage at 7 pm . It did get rid of the pain. My daughter also took it for a bladder problem and she didnt have any side effects:)

Hi Sammykin,

I was on Amitriptyline for a year. The worst side effect was the fatigue. I always took one dosage around 7pm. I would be out like a light by 10pm. The first month or so was tough with fatigue, especially first thing in the morning. My body really got used to this med though and I was fine and able to function very well. I was on 60mgs. I work full time and am a single mom so I need to be with it!

The other noticeable side effect was dry mouth. Keep water with you and use Biotene Spray from the Drug Store. Weight gain can be an issue. It made me crave sweets like crazy. If you can ignore that I don't think you will gain weight.

Amitriptyline literally saved my life with TN2! It has helped me so much.

A month ago my new DR. switched me to Nortriptyline. So far it is working very well too. And the fatigue and dry mouth are less than they were with Amitriptyline. I have gained about five pounds though. The food cravings are terrible. I'm trying to get back on track with that! But honestly to be out of pain is the only important thing to me.

friend said she tryed it for months… didnt help. Trileptial (same drug); She calls it the I forgetitall med. kat