26, 2016)
Against Pain – Washington DC
Time to Stop the War Against Pain Patients! -
Washington DC – Presidents’ Park (The Ellipse), 10AM to 5 PM Saturday October 22, 2016. Chronic pain patients, their families and doctors will Rally Against Pain, on the SW corner of the Ellipse just south of
the White House.
This is an afternoon to voice concerns to US government regulators whose thoughtless actions are causing the denial of appropriate medical
care to millions of pain patients. The Rally is supported by highly knowledgeable experts, some of whom will be speakers.
The US Institute of Medicine estimates that there are over 100 Million chronic pain patients in the US at this time. More than a quarter of our population is affected by pain lasting more than 90 days (often life-long). Literally no household in America is untouched by this issue in loved ones or friends.
Many patients are heavily impacted by life-destroying pain from multiple disorders or failed medical interventions. Some have trauma from workplace or vehicle accidents. Others face incurable non-cancer conditions such as migraines, failed back syndrome, fibromyalgia, complex regional pain syndrome, lupus, or psoriatic arthritis. There are hundreds of other conditions just as severe.
For millions of people, prescription opioid medications have been, until recently, an important element in their medical management. For them, opioids make a difference between work or bedridden disability, life or death by suicide due to intolerable pain. For others, opioids allow a marginal semblance of life with friends, family and loved ones.
Now patients are being plunged into agony because of action by leaders of the US Centers for Disease Control, FDA, DEA and the Surgeon
General. In March 2016, the CDC released a highly restrictive guideline telling general practitioners how – and how much – to prescribe opioids to adults with long term non-cancer pain. The Surgeon General then advised every doctor in America to cut back on pain relieving medications prescribed to their patients. Both steps were based on bad science, doctored statistics and hype. In reality, the so-called “epidemic” of opioid deaths is due to street drugs, not prescriptions. Yet Congress has made the CDC guidelines a mandatory standard of medical care.
Pain management centers are closing across the US. Patients are being cut off cold-turkey and deserted in opioid withdrawal by doctors who fear malicious prosecution by the Drug Enforcement Administration. Some patients have already died from this abuse and more will follow. Our government knows this is happening and is choosing to do nothing about it.
It is time for patients, their families and their friends to come to Washington DC. We need to tell our government that they must stop their inaccurate, grossly negligent, wrongful war against chronic pain patients. Prescription medicine didn’t cause the heroin overdose crisis in the US. And
persecuting pain patients won’t solve that crisis.
Facebook Contacts: Veterans and Others United for Equality in Health Care
Richard A. Lawhern, Ph.D
Fort Mill SC
803 ■■■■■■■■
Lana Kirby
Ellenton Florida
317 ■■■■■■■■