Video Visual Diagram of the Trigeminal Nerve Branches

I wanted to share with you all the gift of more knowledge. Because I learned a lot about my nerve wiring and how it effects my TN and ON by studying where and what the relation was to the other nerves, senses, and muscles.


I encourage you all to study the anatomy of where your pain comes from. These nerves and muscles all play with each other. Some play nicer then others.

Healing Together, Tree

great info. thanks Tree!

Tree - Thanks for sharing. Every time I watch one of these videos and further study the pathways of the trigmeinal nerve I deepen my understanding of what is happening in my constellation of symptoms. It also helps me to better report to my doctors.

Thanks! Very interesting!
Mimi :slight_smile:

Excellent ! I am so glad that people are able to better their understanding of anatomy. Knowledge is power and power we need. I also think knowledge helps us cope better.
I feel that the better you know yourself and your illness, the better you can explain it to the doctor, so that the doctor can help you. Or This knowledge can help you spot a bad doctor.
Regards, Tree

I agree, knowledge helps us cope. I am currently compiling a set of anatomical drawings that highlights the nerve pathways that I can feel affected. Will take them to neurosurgical consult this summer. You links were a wonderful gift especially the dental one with the real cadavers, which was enormous help in visualizing. I am also using a brain colouring book in my effort.

The other things is that when I know where a nerve is that is “acting out” or is about to becaus I want to brush my hair or put on lipstick (!) I can sometimes have a “talk” with it saying is will only take a few seconds, but I have to know which nerve to focus on.

Peace and happiness-:slight_smile:

If people could here the things I say to my nerves or even what my brain says when morning comes - LOL!!!!

Bellalarke said:

I agree, knowledge helps us cope. I am currently compiling a set of anatomical drawings that highlights the nerve pathways that I can feel affected. Will take them to neurosurgical consult this summer. You links were a wonderful gift especially the dental one with the real cadavers, which was enormous help in visualizing. I am also using a brain colouring book in my effort.

The other things is that when I know where a nerve is that is "acting out" or is about to becaus I want to brush my hair or put on lipstick (!) I can sometimes have a "talk" with it saying is will only take a few seconds, but I have to know which nerve to focus on.

Peace and happiness-:)

Thank you for this great info. I had lots of trouble understanding most of what watched and heard but I have a very smart good good friend that will go back over a lot of it with me so once again. that's great info I just happen to pull it up thank you and try to have a great day