Very Frustrated!

So my first dosage of Gabapention has decided to stop working and I am being treated by my Primary care doc for TN so being in intense pain I made an appt to see the doc today so he increased my dosage from 900 to 1200 mg today but what am I supposed to do until it begins to work my doc's suggestion was to deal with it which made me so angry I honestly wanted to punch him in the face and tell him to just deal with that pain (jk) but it really is frustrating but it got me thinking should I be seeing a specialist for this I was just finally diagnosed in February and am very new to all this and trying to do what I can to learn about this disease. Any suggestions on what kind of Dr I should be seeing and what I can do for the pain in the mean time would be greatly appreciated


You really should be treated by a neurologist, until you find the right medications and the right doses. Gabapentin (also called Neurontin) has worked very well for me, but I’m on 3,000 mgs. per day in addition to very strong pain meds. The Gabapentin isn’t going to relieve pain and any doctor who thinks it’s the first and only line of defense doesn’t know squat about Trigeminal Neuralgia. He’s not treating you properly. Period! If the pain is unmanageable go to the emergency room and they should be able to give you something for immediate pain relief - a shot or something IV and a prescription for a few days, until you find a neurologist. Be aware it also takes a while for the Gabapentin to build up in your system, so immediate relief is rather unrealistic. I’m completely disgusted by the way you were treated!!!