I am experiencing what I think is a flare up. Instead of the sharp electrifying pain along my left jaw line, I am having a lot of tension and dull pain around my cheek and along my nose and it seems to affect my nasal passage on the left side, as well. For the past few mornings I have had trouble opening my eye on that side. I have, also, had dull pain behind that eye. This all is all accompanied by a headache just on that side. Additionally, this morning when I lifted my head I would have shooting pain in the left temple. Again, not the sharp electrifying pain that I began with along the jaw line. I am just miserable.
Anybody else experience this type variation?
I called my doctor. He called back and left me a message saying to increase the dosage of Trileptal to three times a day. I am currently taking 600 mg of Trileptal twice a day along with 800 mg of Neurontin four times a day. He has also suggested maybe changing from Trileptal to Topamax. Will those that have taken Topamax share their experience.
Oh, and physiologically, can anyone explain what happens when the nerve flares as it does with Trigeminal Neuralgia? When the tension/pain eases up I feel completely worn out. I am so tired. I just want to lay down and sleep. Anyone know what causes this?
It sounds to me as if you are now experiencing Type II, or Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia symptoms, which is a variation of TN. Usually people do not know exactly what causes these symptoms, typically these symptoms are caused by whatever caused your original Classic TN symptoms.
Have you found any relief from your new symptoms with your new medication regimen yet? What concerns me, though, is the trouble you are having opening your eye on that side. I am wondering if your doc is a Neurologist.
I am sorry that you are experiencing these troubles on top what you are already going through, but many of us, like myself, have both typical and atypical symptoms of the disorder, like myself. Although, my Atypical symptoms presented years ago and just recently have I been experiencing pain characteristic of Classic Trigeminal Neuralgia, the shocking feeling with periods of remission. However, the Atypical symptoms are constant.
For a lot of good information on ATN, I do would like to invite you to our Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia group, which may be found under the tab at the top of the site "MORE", then in the drop down menu, "Groups". Also, you may want to check out the definition of Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia as described by Wikipedia.
However, the difficulty in opening your eye, as I said, does concern me. I would ask your doctor if this could have a Neurologic cause. If anyone else reading this has experienced this manifestation of TN, or ATN, please respond to Aleida's post.
My thoughts, prayers and best wishes are with you.
Thanks Stef and no apologies needed. Thanks for the info. I’ll checked all of the suggestions out. Yes, my doc is a neuroligist. I will see him Thursday to discuss this more. With your help, I have more questions to ask. I will be more informed. I haven’t started the new regimen yet. I will start today. I will let you know how it works.