My neuro does not what me to go higher than 900mg carbamzepine. So now she wants me to drop my 800mg and add lamictal also. Has anyone used this combination together before this change really makes me nervous.
I had fantastic results with just lamictal. Used it for almost 6 years and only had mild flares. I was taking 200mg twice a day.
I started having more problems with my jaw feeling like it was going to dislocate during a flare up (very strange) and upped the dose to 200mg three times a day. That proved to be my personal max, I went into intolerable side effects, mostly crippling muscle cramps, and have had come off it completely for now. But for six years it worked like a charm at a low dose for me.
Scary all these medications. Thank you for that information. …
I used both of these meds, separately and together and found no relief. Everyone reacts differently though as we all have different symptoms. Best of Luck.