Hi everyone
I live in Canada and Dr's are very tight with opiates here. They are pushing everyone into Methadone/suboxone clinic's. Which are the easiest places to get pain killers. Just take one codiene and you can get a lifetime supply of painkillers. Sad but this is what is happening. And the Dr's in them don't want you to get off. They want you to up your dose. Up and Up. So here is the question? Do you live in pain? Or do you live a lie? Has anyone used Methadone for TN? ATN? If it works I think I live the lie better then pulling my hair out literally.
The next part. I am thinking of traveling to the US to get treatment. I am not a heavy pain killer user. The highest dose was 100 mg of morphine a day. That was the highest. And that was a fight. How are US Dr's. I guess it depends on the Dr. I makes me sick to see the Oxycontin abuse. Also 'Weed' here 5 plants now is a min 1 year in jail. Depending the courts. I don't use put I have a script for Ceasmet which might be called by another name. .5 mg. Colorado you can a pop with 50-100 mg THC i believe. Just today I was asking my Dr to increase my Topamax up from 100 mg he won't. Tegrol didn't work well. Topamax is much better. I had to bring in research papers in.
In Canada you are lucky to have a family Dr. And then you might get a surgery if its not an elective. In the US when I called I all I had to do was pay then I could go to the Dr's office. Is that how it works?
Just curious as it is very difficult here in Canada. You can only go were your one family Dr says you can go. Then you have to wait. Sometimes up to 6 mths. But normally 3 months. I would love to think of a system were its like plastic surgery. But I am the lucky one. I have the money to pay. But then again. $30,000-$40,000 in 3 years spent on Health Care with a drug plan doesn't sound like free health care to me. Maybe the US system will change into the Canadian system. I really hope not. But then again I really don't know anything about the US system other then I called a few Dr's and they said I could come in and I didn't need to be referred. Not looking for a Dr to write me 300+ mg Morphine but not afraid a little bit if it is needed. And not afraid to write 300mg of Topamax or Klonpin. If asking for meds non controlled is not allowed I am sorry. But someone who is not will consider how much pain affects are day to day life. And a Dr who knows something about this condition. Also someone near the US border.
Thanks for such a great site. And also thanks for your replies in advance.