Up coming MVD surgery; I have two concerns if anyone could address them. Please and thanx in advance

Hello everyone;

I am new to this site, and this is my first post. I live in a small NW town and am being sent to Winnipeg for MVD surgery on May 23. This is a 6 hour drive from where I live. I have had TN for many years, but it was mis-diagnosed. Since August of this year, the pain has been excrutiating, and not letting up. I am on meds, (Carbamazipine and Baclofen) which has offered some relief, but have break through pain I find hard to deal with. I had a MRI which has confirmed a vascular loop.

Because of the long distance I am coming from, I will see the neurosurgeon on Tuesday, and my surgery will be Wednesday morning. I would like to know if there is anything I can bring with me to make the long car ride home more comfortable. I have been told I would only have a one night stay in hospital, one night stay in Winnipeg, and then home on the third day. I have severe cervical stenosis and I am concerned about my neck being "held" in one position during the operation. Does anyone know if a cervical collar would be of benefit for the ride home? Or is this not a good idea....Is there anything else someone can think I should have for this ride...our highways are not "rider friendly" at the best of times, and I am having some concerns about riding these highways after a brain operation. What do you think?

Thanks for any replies,


Hi Deb, I just had my second MVD a few weeks ago. I have terrible lower spine problems and was worried about laying on my back for so many hours, but I think b/c of all the steriods and pain meds they gave me, it wasn't a problem. If you have a cervical collar I would certainly take it and ask the neuro about it. As far as the trip home, I really didn't have much discomfort. You might want to bring a couple of soft pillows in case you want to rest your head against the window. I wish you a fantastic surgery and recovery!!! I pray your pain is resolved!!! I'm shedding a tear right now for you b/c I know what it's like to be out of the grip of that horrible pain and I look forward to hearing your story soon!!!

Thanx so much for your reply. I read your story, and certainly, you have been through a lot! This condition is so hard (for me) to describe to family and friends. On a good day, they look at me, and see "nothing" wrong; on a bad day they can see I am in pain because I cannot help but cry, but most people still find it hard to "understand." I continued working since my dx in August. My work is physically demanding, and stressful at times. Since I have to administer meds also, I have to be "on top of my game." The meds I take make my days difficult, both pain wise and cognitivally.I am looking forward to the surgery so I can have my "life back!"

Hi Deb. I had MVD 3years ago. I traveled to a hospital three hours away. Definetly take a couple pillows for the ride home. Your neck will be very sore. Make sure you fill your pain med prescription before you leave town. I took my pain med right before I left the hospital so I was okay, but you have twice the distance that I did. The three hr ride was not bad, but was relieved to get home to my own bed and was really tired. The two meds you are on now were the meds I was on for 8years. It is really nice to be off of them. I had surgery on a Thursday and went home on Saturday. I have been nerve pain free since the surgery and my three years is coming up on the 28th of this month. Good luck to you and remember to get a lot of rest when you get home and don’t over do.

Hi Deb

Just wanted to tell you good luck on your surgery this coming Wed. I know from my experience I was extremely nervous. I calmed down once I was at the hospital and I kept thinking that I was finally doing something about this pain. Stay calm.

Thinking of you
