I started Trileptal about 2 months ago. Started at 300 mg/day and worked up to 600 mg/day. This dose worked great for the first 6 weeks to the point that I delayed a scheduled MVD as I was feeling so much better. The past 2 weeks the pain has been breaking through. I have added a dose and am now taking 300 mg 3 times a day. Still having a lot of breakthrough pain. I have rescheduled the MVD for next month. So tired of living in pain for the last 4 years off/on. The biggest noticeable side effect I have had from the Trileptal is a strange burning/numb sensation on my tongue sometimes. It's not every time I take it but occasionally I feel it. Has anyone else had this?
i've heard people in Israel reported this side effect from taking Elatrol ... so i MAY be a side effect of the med.
(how can you tell this pain from your other facial pains ?)
Yes, I had this at the beginning for about a week or so. Then it went away. I was pretty much tritrated up to 1200mg from the beginning. I have been on it since January 11th of this year. Still doing ok with it. Min