Hi, I have just scheduled my MVD for Nov 27th. Assuming all goes well, do you think I could travel by Jan 18th? Here’s some background; on Jan 18 my husband, my three boys and I are scheduled for a 5 day trip to Washington DC during the presidential inauguration, with school. We would be traveling from Utah. I am trying to decide if I should cancel my part of the trip. I have until Dec 4 to cancel and get some of the money back. I can see how i feel by then, but that is only just over a week of recovery. It will be a busy trip full of activities all day. I will be Chaperoning Jr. High age kids. Am I going to feel up to it? Will the air pressure be bad? I know changes in air pressure about kill me with TN. Is Almost 2 months of recovery enough? It is best for me to have the surgery now and have ruled out waiting until after. If you have had MVD your opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thank You!
Hi, I am really not sure about travelling such distances so close after your MVD. I am a week and a half post op and still feel really tired and still getting lots of headaches and pain. However, I am feeling better day by day and I have read posts where people have gone travelling a couple of weeks or so post op, I guess we are all different in how we recovery and how long this takes! Other people on here who have had the MVD and are a few weeks further down the line than myself maybe able to give advice upon how they are feeling especially in relation to travelling! I wish you well with your forthcomming MVD and with your recovery from it! : )
Wait? Flying? If I were you, I would honestly cancel the trip. Flying with a plate in the head causes a high state of negative brain pressure. You ( as well as anyone else with a plate for this) runs a higher risk of springing a cerebellar spinal fluid leak or actually having a brain herniation with a plate in our heads at ANY time; let alone so close after the surgery. It is up to you, but seriously... I wouldnt do it. Drive, yes- if you get out and stretch and walk around you should be fine.But if you plan on flying....ehhhh no.
Many people have flown home from their surgery -- I was too scared to -- but any kind of travel really at 6 week mark should be safe -- ask your surgeon asap!