Tooth extraction still convinced something is wrong

Hi. I have written on here about my post extraction pain. 2 years ago with tooth 12. The tooth did not hurt. It had been a 25 yr old root canal that had black at the root so I opted for tooth removal. Everything was fine then 10 days later it was acting like throbbing pain. Not in the extraction hole but rather above it. Of course no one believes me bc of complaining if facial pain. I had MRI/Sinus CT/ & recently a CBCT scan. Negative as of now. Now I am sure your thinking nerve pain. Was on some nerve meds but dr had me low dose. When I touch the area it is tender. My nose started hurting like 6 weeks later- might be a separate issue but I feel it connected. Due to over lapping things going on it’s hard to figure out what’s what. I just wish

Hi L’ala 1234

I had similar issues but with a crown cap on a molar. Sensitivity just above dental work then nose which I am now convinced was sinus nerves and canal inflammation. After a number of painful years I eventually had acupuncture , took some natural products to help with nerve repair and now taking B12 in 1000mg doses and all fixed for now. Have not have a shock or spark in months. I am just about to have 3 wisdom teeth out and am hoping I don’t end up with pain again.

I hope you get relief soon and more importantly work out where the problem lies…

Carmelo Australia