TN & Cluster Headaches anyone else have both?

Hello, I am a newbie. I suffer from TN as well as cluster headaches. One always triggers the other. I was told it is rare to have both. I take verapemel & tegretol. Please forgive my spelling. I am not getting any relief. My pain is on the left side of my face. Shocks go from my upper lip up thru my cheek. My left ear & behind my left eye feel like someone is stabbing me. I am going to a new neuro on the 30th of July but I am hurting so badly. Any advice??

Thank you so much. I am going to try the tongue thing. Anything that may help I will try it!

Jackie said:

Hi Precious.
What a bad time you are having. it does seem a long wait to see your neuro. I can only offer 1piece of advice. I set my phone to give me alerts when I need to take my meds. I am so busy I forget and then the pain sets in and it takes me a long time to get on top of it. this is not much help, sorry. just wanted you to know someone cares. Sometimes curling my Tongue into the pain spasm helps it to go away a little quicker weird but heh it works for me.

take care Precious


Hello, Precious.

I'm glad you brought this up, because I believe, after reading about "cluster headaches" that I do experience them, alone with my Atypical TN.

I wish I had advice. This is a very new symptom for me which lays me out on the couch for about an hour when it happens and comes along with intense sensitivity to light and tearing of my right eye.

I will be following this discussion for any further information anyone gives.

Stay strong and hang in there!


I’ll try that next time, Jackie. Hmmm . . .strange, but I will try anything too. Thanks for the input!

precious said:

Thank you so much. I am going to try the tongue thing. Anything that may help I will try it!

Jackie said:
Hi Precious.
What a bad time you are having. it does seem a long wait to see your neuro. I can only offer 1piece of advice. I set my phone to give me alerts when I need to take my meds. I am so busy I forget and then the pain sets in and it takes me a long time to get on top of it. this is not much help, sorry. just wanted you to know someone cares. Sometimes curling my Tongue into the pain spasm helps it to go away a little quicker weird but heh it works for me.

take care Precious


The day before a bad TN attack I get a major migraine. Took me a while to realize they were related. I initially took Tegretol and Topomax combo. Lately we have added Metoprolol daily. I think it is a blood pressure med. My pressure is fine, but my migraines seem to be vascular (pressure) so it helps a lot. I also take Maxalt at the onset of a bad migraine. That helps too.

Everyone is very different. My cocktail might not work for you, but YES I do get both and they are related.

Stay out of bright light, especially flourescent and cold packs help too.


Thank you for the advice. I hate that others suffer as I do. But, it helps to know I am not the only one. I am going to mention all that I have learned from you all when I see my doc. Thank you again

Elaine Iles said:

The day before a bad TN attack I get a major migraine. Took me a while to realize they were related. I initially took Tegretol and Topomax combo. Lately we have added Metoprolol daily. I think it is a blood pressure med. My pressure is fine, but my migraines seem to be vascular (pressure) so it helps a lot. I also take Maxalt at the onset of a bad migraine. That helps too.

Everyone is very different. My cocktail might not work for you, but YES I do get both and they are related.

Stay out of bright light, especially flourescent and cold packs help too.
