TN and throat pain

Is it possible to have throat spasm with TN and bilateral spasm of throat at times? I know GN can cause this but wondering on TN. Also, does anyone suffer from TN that covers all 3 nerve pathways?

I have bilateral ATN with all three branches of the nerve involved. I have not had any issues with my throat.

Where all is your pain?

The pain is in my scalp, upper and lower teeth, roof of mouth, ear, and face.the right is worse than the left. I had MVD on the right in January. Worked well for the shocks, but the fact that I have had the burning boring for close to ten years , the nerve was too damaged to relieve that pain. I had a PNS implant last month, and tha is working very well to control the pain.
I will have MVD on the left in October. Hoping for a better outcome, as that side has only started the ATN symptoms last year.

As my left side TN2 progressed last winter,(and became med resistant) I started to develop TN1 shocks as well. Some of which were along the left side of my throat. Very unpleasant!!
I have bilateral TN.
After left side MVD in April this stopped.


Shindig, the NS that did my MVD is the same doctor that Sid my PNS. I have heard that others have had it done with a pain management dr.

shindig said:

I'm calling tomorrow to see if I can get an appointment where they do the PNS here. Was the pain doctor an "Anesthesiology Pain Management" specialist? The boring pain is killing me.

Christine said:

The pain is in my scalp, upper and lower teeth, roof of mouth, ear, and face.the right is worse than the left. I had MVD on the right in January. Worked well for the shocks, but the fact that I have had the burning boring for close to ten years , the nerve was too damaged to relieve that pain. I had a PNS implant last month, and tha is working very well to control the pain.
I will have MVD on the left in October. Hoping for a better outcome, as that side has only started the ATN symptoms last year.
The neurosurgeon that did my MVD is the same doctor who did my PNS. I have corresponded with several other people that had theirs done by a pain management anesthesiologist. Where are you located?

My PNS is manufactured by St Jude’s Medical. There is a patient tab on the website that lists doctors that use their neuro stimulators , if you need another resource to find a dr. Good luck,and please let me know how it goes.