TN After Head/Neck Injury?

i have positional changes like you described from the scar tissue. that would be normal from me. i know the oci cipital nerves are involved. everything you mentioned i.s my norm and it does travel to the neck, along spine and to could the fall do that unless your position changed.

Sheila said:

My TN has changed since I hit my head. Now it has spread to roof of mouth, tongue, and under tongue. So now I have 3 different face nerves involved. Trigeminal, (eye, nose, upper teeth, jaw), geniculate (the ice pick in the ear pain) and now glossopharyngeal (tongue and roof of mouth). I’m also having problems with fevers, high heart rate and other things your body is supposed to control itself (Dysautonomia). I looked it up and it is possible that can last for a year after a hit on the head. I am sure mine won’t last that long. Just frustrated. I got about 3 conditions healed, and now 3 more appear.

could pinched nerves in the neck and scar tissue cause positional changes and that would involve the legs. this showed on the median nerve. lets say the fluid is blocked by the scar tissue like lymphadema so the spine position changes. lets say the fall changed the spinal position that would account for the other issues, but it should heal. i have more pain in certain positions. this is too wierd.

shiela, it will heal. its not permanent like mine.

My TN started 4 hours after an oral surgeon twisted my neck while I was under and out for procedure

Didn't make the connection for a long time

Had 8 cases of whiplash before that in 30 years

My neck is 40 years older than the rest of me!

KcDancer, wow you got a double whammy then, because the oral surgery itself can cause damage to nerves connected to the teeth, causing face pain, and yes, whiplash type injuries can cause TN. That's the first day I felt TN pain too was after a whiplash injury.

is there anyything that can be done for this after the fact.

what is your diagnosis. is that a cream that i can have made. yesterday i used the aspercreme and my whole cheek was on fire. that never happened before. i think id better get to hopkins and dr. limm. the pain is coming from the temperal area. im afraid to try the chiro. have you heard of an accupressure massage therapist.

Hello NIR, your English is quite good. I know what you mean. My first neck injury that started the pain was 16 years ago. I can't afford the adjustments. Often it is needed twice a week for a year. Also, there about 5 different possible causes for my TN. The recent fall just made it worse.

NIR and ELAINE-- I didn't have adjustments done yet because the chiropractor said everything is too swollen in there. I am using a frozen gel pack to try to make the swelling go down and help heal it a bit. It's getting better. I'll be fine I'm sure.



Nir Morita said:

i thinks that if you have a reason to belive that neck injury increases tha pain - maybe it's a good idera to go in THAT direction . i mean try upper cernical chiroract (or something like that . sorry for my lousy english). i

many say it saved thier lives. especially, as i said - if you think the injury may increased it.

Do you mean my TN diagnosis or my diagnosis from the fall? For TN, I have atypical TN, and I suspect geniculate neuralgia (ear pain), but I have not found a neurologist that knows much about TN. Not as much as I have been taught here... so the geniculate is not official until some unknowing Dr. says it is. So frustrating.

Yes, a pharmacist makes up that cream, diclofenac 10%. You have to get a prescription for it. I love it. Most drugstores inside of department stores won't mix prescriptions, but most pharmacies that are only a pharmacy can do it. Call your pharmacist and see if they compound (mix) prescriptions there. If you can't get it, Voltlaren Emulgel is the same medicine over the counter, but it's not as strong. Yes, the acupuncturist I went to also did massage, combined the 2.

elaine48 said:

what is your diagnosis. is that a cream that i can have made. yesterday i used the aspercreme and my whole cheek was on fire. that never happened before. i think id better get to hopkins and dr. limm. the pain is coming from the temperal area. im afraid to try the chiro. have you heard of an accupressure massage therapist.

Thanks so much for your caring, Elstep!

elstep said:

Let us know what he says Sheila, wishing you all the best xx

I had an auto accident just after HS and now have lots of TN issues, was wondering the same thing. If something from that neck injury has caused the TN pain I have had since that time. Would like to hear someone's take on this as well.


Sheila, I am so sorry to hear about your fall. How awful for you! I hope that you are recovering well and feeling better.

I, too, have a history of a head trauma. In 2000, I was crossing the street when I was hit by a car. I flew across three lanes of traffic and landed on my head. I suffered a laceration over my right eye and had back pain for a year, but there weren't any indications of other damage. In 2003, I experienced sharp stabbing pain on my right side, which spontaneously resolved after a few days. The same thing happened on the left side the next year leading to the discovery that one of my back molars was broken in half. Since 2004, I have been found to have a number of fractured teeth, most likely the result of microfractures that occurred during the accident that widened over time. When I first saw my orofacial pain specialist, he asked me what I thought caused my pain. I told him that I thought there was a chance that it was related to my accident, because that is the likely cause of how my teeth were fractured. I also said that it may be that I was predisposed to TN all along but that the trauma may have contributed to it's onset. He said that it was a very likely theory, and certainly made sense, but that doctors are very rarely able to pinpoint the exact cause in a situation such as mine, especially considering that some time had passed between the accident and the start of my facial pain.

I have had some cervical spine issues as well in that there have been times when my neck "shifts" and pain has shot up into my face like fireworks. My brain MRI showed some possible signal abnormality in the spine, but my dedicated cervical spine MRI came back normal apart from some very minor degenerative changes.

I hope all of you find relief soon!

Take care,


Hi Susan,

There are 3 pages of comments from people. If you have not read them all, go to the bottom of the page, click on the page numbers. The comments show that a LOT of people have this problem, and as I've studied this week, I found a large percentage of TN that started with a whiplash type injury. My first TN pain 16 years ago also started with a whiplash type injury.

Kind regards, Sheila

Susan Rowell said:

I had an auto accident just after HS and now have lots of TN issues, was wondering the same thing. If something from that neck injury has caused the TN pain I have had since that time. Would like to hear someone's take on this as well.



So sorry about your fall, Yes, I hear of many people I know who have had head injuries or neck injuries who develop TN quite soon after the injury. As for myself it took a few whip lash injuries for ON and TN symptoms to appear.

I love this site as it seems to be the place to go for help.

Take care,


can anything be done for these injuries.

cant pinched nerves be treated.

Hi Elaine. If a person has a pinched nerve between the vertebraes and disks, usually chiropractic adjustments can help, but if you have degenerative disk disease or a fracture or chipped bone etc. they won't touch you. Chiropractic has helped my ex and I so much that I think we would each be in a wheelchair without it. In your situation with all the scar tissue, the adjustments wouldn't hold. In my situation, nothing is pinched, says the chiropractor. My upper back pain is due to a bone bruise (one step before a fracture) and the vertebrae isn't out of place. As for the TN pain that got worse, I think I just got a hard jerk on that nerve and it will have to heal on its own. It is a bit better already.

Hi Cara!

WELCOME!! I am sorry for what you are struggling with. I am glad to hear you are appealing the disability decision. I have heard that almost everyone is denied the first time so the gov't can weed out those who just want an easy buck, and those who have no other choice but to seek disability help. It often takes many doctors and many years to get the right diagnosis. I'm glad you finally got the right diagnosis. I hope you will find a lot of good information here to take to your doctors, as you are such a rare case, they will probably be open to suggestions from 2000+ other TN patients. A lot of us have more than one nerve involved the way you do. I hope you and your doctors as a team can find the right meds to try and combine until you find what's right for you.

Kind thoughts, Sheila

mine could be pinched or more likely irritated nerve roots. i had some treatments and the scar tissue pulled the vertebrate back. I really have a tissue shortage. I dont know what upper level chiropracter do. The nerve roots are irritated.