I an TN in the V3 or jaw area on the left. Strangely, I also have had intermittent tingling to the outside of my left eye the past 9 months. NO numbness and two normal MRIs. Does anyone have something similar with their TN?
Hello, and hope you are feeling well today.
I have TN since November 2011. My TN started as an intense burning sensation over my left cheekbone and pain around my eye. My TN has gotten worse over time and now involves all three branches of the trigeminal nerve on the left side of my face, and at times on the right side of my face. Sometimes I have only tingling or pins and needles around my left eye, and sometimes it is tics with little jabs, like electrified needles. At times I have stabbing pain in my jaws or cheek on the left side, and on rare occasions it felt like an ice pick or nail through my ear to my palate; excruciating. Frequently I feel burning pain on my left cheekbone which can last for up to 20 minutes or more. I have occasional numbness on the left side of my chin, lips and upper lips. MRI of brain was normal, but blood tests showed vitamin D deficiency (level was 15; normal is 30-100) which is common for women my age. Makes me wonder if that is why TN is more common after 50 yrs old? I just started the mega dose of D prescribed for me and hope it helps. If you doctor hasn't ordered blood tests for you, it is a good idea to ask for them.
I wish you the very best - you are not alone!
I have had TN for about 5 years now. I had a successful MVD on the right side then TN started on the left side of my face 7 months later. I do have the tingling feeling's also. I get them where the trigeminal nerve comes in around my nose area and now on both sides. Sometimes it feels like hairs on my face are maybe ants crawling on my face it is a strange feeling. I have noticed it more when I lay my head down to sleep. It sometimes will stop if I turn over on my side are just get up. I keep thinking it will stop but unfortunately it hasn't yet.
I wish you lots of luck , hopefully yours will stop soon.
Before I had my MVD in June I had severe T1 pain under my right teeth. Bad flares could also produce a pins and needles sensation around my right eye. Both are now gone after the surgery. Left with some numbness around chin/lips and pressure type sensation where skull is healing. Overall, feel much better and do not regret surgery.