This dreaded Lyrica

How can something that takes away my pain leave me with such awful side effects.

I feel like I am walking round in a fog reduced to a bubbling idiot. Cant hold a conversation, calling people by the wrong name, I'm so confused.

Cant go on like this and today I stopped my meds. Its 4.00am haven't been to sleep yet and all day the pain has been creeping back. Then I read about going cold turkey and how it can cause seizures.

Help I don't know what to do. Only been on Lyrica for for 5 weeks since being diagnosed with TN

What should I do?

Don’t stop suddenly, the withdrawal can be really horrible, look it up and make sure you titrate down. Put it in the search engine here, look it up on webmd, call your pharmacist, etc, I know for some it is a miracle drug but just don’t stop it too abruptly.

Hi everyone, well the pain was just to much to bear. Catch 22 eh, pain or take tablets. No brainer really. The pain was unbearable and the tablets help to dull the pain, so I am back on all my meds.

5 Days later and I am back on an even keel. The pain has been almost controlled by the meds and I am feeling a whole lot better. Went out today for the first time for a while but the wind started the pain up again although it was bearable.

I do so feel sorry for all of you whose symptoms are a whole lot worse than mine. I think about this constantly. Stay strong everyone of you. Love to all

I hate to sound like a broken record here --- if you want to lower your meds - call a doctor and ask them to call you in a prescription for pain patches -- lidocaine --- works for 12 hours

works for many people

Lyrica made me feel drunk - I was laughing my A$$ off at work - which wouldn't be so bad except I worked for child protective services at the time -- NOT a laughing matter !!! oh my

can't hurt to try --- somehow it stops you from feeling the nerve endings - doesn't make face numb -- saved my life and let me lower my meds!

Lyrica worked for me, I just wanted to kill myself. Now I dont mean that lightly… I seriously was planning my own demise. I would wake up and try to figure out a way to die so my family would still get insurance money.
I had to get off Lyrica right away. After a couple of months decided to try it again, and within days… Bam I was back on the suicide planning.
Its a great medicine and works wonders, I just cannot take it. I wish I could, but cannot.

Im hoping you keep getting relief from Lyrica, and side effects are minimal for you.


I was also on Lyrica and before that on Neurontin. Neurontin was worse for me with regards to suicidal thoughts, maybe it was also because it didn't do anything for my pain and it made me so very tired that I thought I couldn't live like that.

Lyrica was a success in that it did provide a certain relief from pain, especically when I combined it with other means of therapy, such as acupuncture, massage or upper cervical adjustment. The downside was swollen legs and feet, tiredness, memory issues and perhaps the worst side-effect - every day nightmares during sleep and heavy night sweats.

I weaned off Lyrica at the end of last year. Gradually, all of the side-effects went away. Although I still feel a bit "slow" mentally from time to time, I don't think it could possibly still be related to the medication, but it's more the fact that I'm still in pain every day (a reasonable level of pain - if there is such, so I chose that over the meds). I wish there were meds without side effects but it doesn't seem to be the case when it comes to treating TN - not at this moment, anyway.

Hi all, thanks for all your replies. Wouldn't that be wonderful, medication without side effects. I know what you mean about being slow and very tired. I even considered not driving any more. during one day I nearly mowed down a few cyclists at a junction, came away from the doctors surgery driving on the wrong side of the road, and worst of all ( it really was so very funny) stopped the car to talk to my friend and instead of cancelling the indicator I put on the windscreen wash and soaked her. The water was dripping down her face as I tried to say I'm sorry through the tears of laughter.

I count myself very lucky not to have the suicide thoughts as many many years ago I tried this and I know how it feels to be so low. And I know this terrible pain can make you feel like this.

On an upside The side effects seem to have eased off, so I live in hope.