The tongue? Seriously? Well that bites

The tongue? Seriously? Not quite the base, but the back of the tongue. At first I panicked, but then realized my tongue wasn't swelling, just hurting like the dickens. After it was gone, I shook for an hour. So is this part of it? Or something else to add to the fun.

How does it feel?

I get this stinging, sometimes achy sometimes swollen-like, pain in the back of my throat and roof of my mouth. But sometimes, like right now, it feels like it might be my tongue, all the way in the back near the uvula. Everything is just too close in there and I have a hard time differentiating the source of the pain.

What you said;~) I'd like to be more exact, but I was awakened from sleep. But this, last night was just the tongue. Extremely painful. Roof of my mouth stayed away and minded it's own business during this particular episode.


So sorry to hear this, its a terrible pain. I have type 1 and 2 TN. In June of 2012 I started having electric

shock pain in the left side of my tongue, it was constant, at the time I was on a low dose of gabapentin. The

pain was unbearable. After a trip to the emergency room, and IV's I had minutes between shocks. They

started me on Trileptal and thank heavens it worked. When my tongue wasn't having electric shocks, it was

burning where the shocks were. Today they are in my jaw., but the trileptal keeps them where I can stand the

pain. I want all the pain to go into remission, its been so painful for past 5 months. I very seldom get on

computer but did tonight. I hope your pain does not come back, and hopefully you want have electric shocks.

Be blessed,
