The absolute DREAD when a cold/flu is imminent

I was hoping that this subject might attract recognition and raise a knowing eye or a smile. I dread it when I feel the signs of a cold or a sore throat approaching as I know that it means trouble with a capital ‘T’. The endless tortuous nose blowing when your nose is a trigger point! What to do? Let nature take its course? Take a few meds to try to dry it up? But then…who wants the sinus-y heads? Yes you guessed it, I have a rotten heavy cold/sore throat, oh joy! Trying to smile thru & keep a stiff upper lip! I’m doing the Vitamin C, Echinacea and fruit overload, but what do you do to cut to the chase? All tips and tricks very gratefully received,


I’ve been very lucky the last couple years. But I do dread it when I feel a sneeze coming on! I try squeezing my nose and hope goes away. The only thing I would try is Zycam tablets. Even if I feel a scratchy throat, thinking a cold is coming on, I take one and feel fine the next morning. Good luck and hope you feel better.


I hope your cold passes quickly. I don’t have any suggestions for the a cold. I tense up when I feel a sneeze but then I wonder if tensing makes it worse. I DO NOT blow my nose. I do use a decongestant.


Thanks ladies, am struggling a bit to be honest, how wimpish I feel! I’m taking paracetamol regularly as I’ve a nasty recurring headache as well, and I’m really raw around the nostrils! Its pretty quiet around here too as my voice has disappeared, positive positive tho it could be gone in 24/48 hours, hope so!

Liz K. said:


I hope your cold passes quickly. I don’t have any suggestions for the a cold. I tense up when I feel a sneeze but then I wonder if tensing makes it worse. I DO NOT blow my nose. I do use a decongestant.


praying for you hun!
vitamins galore C,E, Echenacia
steam showers, juice and lots of it
rest and a good movie with my pillow and blanket
chocolate never hurts :slight_smile:

thanks Melissa, I tried the chocolate and was immediately on endorphin overload, it was so good

Melissa A. Williams said:

praying for you hun!
vitamins galore C,E, Echenacia

steam showers, juice and lots of it

rest and a good movie with my pillow and blanket

chocolate never hurts :slight_smile:

Echinacia and decongestant are my only suggestions. A few times my GP has given me some antibiotics in case I get a sinus infection because that means severe pain, but there is nothing worse than a cold!!
Obviously, the other thing that none of us do -REST!!!

Cannot believe it, ANOTHER heavy as can be cold/cough/sore throat, give me strength! My nose is as sore as can be inducing debilitating lancinating electric shocks ;-(

Hey All-
I hope nobody has a cold right now, but I saw this post and wanted to comment. I was having a good control of pain period for about 3 years …and then I got a cold! ahh. anyone have any suggestions for the stomach virus? for colds I try:
taking extra meds
hot fluids
accidophulis (sp) in high amounts is very good for sore throats
also, if you feel the start of a cold just like Debi said…use a vitamin tablet! I LOVE airborne.

good luck all!