A TGN Steroid Block was suggested to me yesterday by the Pain Clinic. I've had the surgery when I was 16, Gamma knife at 39, now at 40, still having pain that is sometimes just constant. I have triggers by touching my face, brushing my teeth. Not sure why since the nerve is supposed to be dead and I deal with shocks that are phantom type pain. My face burns, stabbing pain, tingling, you name it.
My question, who has had a TGN Steroid Block? Was it helpful? I was told there was a chance of hitting something and causing me to be on life support for the rest of my life so that's why I'm asking. The doctor doesn't use x-ray guidance just feels for the part of the jaw and goes from there. What was your experience like? As this has left me more concerned than being helpful. I know steroids tend to help my pain just by taking them orally but I can't live on them. And I realize all procedures have risks.
Thanks very much. I greatly appreciate it as at times, I feel alone in this, though I have a great spouse, but it's nice to have people who understand this pain.