Tegretol side effects

I am on 400mg of Tegretol (I know. Not a huge dose, but it is very large dose for my body). I am 17 years old and I forget simple things CONSTANTLY. My brain is in a constant fuzz and I am working 10 times harder than I usually do with school. I am usually a straight A student and now I am failing tests I studied hard for left and right. Anyone else dealing with these problems? Advice would be helpful... I am trying to wean off the medicine slowly, but i dont know if my nerve will tolerate that.

Tegretol is weird for me. I'm at 1000mg but don't work or go to school. Its been a year and I am a lot more used to it. At first its pretty intense, I would even hear voices sound REALLY deep, like I was in slow motion, but that went away. Good luck, tegretol isn't fun but it it shaves off some pain, and it even helps with being so ttense in my experience. Good luck adjusting

It takes time, I started at 200 mg…100 2x a day. I actually took the chewable form:) That dose was all I could tolerate in the beginning. The small dose helped, while I was adjusting to the side effects. I am now taking 800 mg a day.
Good Luck!!

I'm also on 400mg Tegretol. I sympathise, because I know the initial symptoms are not easy. I'm often drowsy and tired and have become very forgetful. You didn't mention how long you've been taking the medication - if it's recent then trust me it does get better as your body gets used to it. Piece of advice - make sure you have your doctor's advice before trying to wean off the medication or you might put yourself through some pretty painful moments.

First let me say how sorry I am for you to have to deal with such horrific pain at the tender age of 17. Certain meds which includes tegretol can give you side effects such as you described. You going from A’s to failing is rough. Have you and your parents sat down with your teachers and explained what is going on so they have a better understanding of the disease and whats causing your grades to drastically change. Alot of folks do not understand the disease as well as meds we take to help us with this pain. Have you discussed this with your doctor ? Also do not do any decreasing or increasing of your med without consulting with your doctor first. There are so many medications used for this that your doctor can try. Let me ask you how long have you been on the tegretol? It takes weeks sometimes to balance in your blood. Let us know how you make out sweetie and try to hang in there. Call your doctor make an appt. and let him know the side effects and hiw its impacting your school work because of memory loss.
My Best

I had a glycerol rhizotomy a month ago and I am weaning off the medicine as per my doctor.

Hope the weaning off is working for you.. I really sympathise.