Tegretol side effects

Hi guys,

I'm just wondering if anyone else suffers Tegretol side effects (other than the usual).

I've started to get inflamed lymph nodes on the right side of my neck (my tn side).

I'm going to deal with it for now as it's not uncomfortable and the mix of meds are working, my doctor is sending me for a blood test just to rule out any other causes for the inflamation.

Thanks in advance,


Hi Michelle (am not too far from you, near Halifax)

I had swollen lymph nodes a week after taking Tegretol andearache both sides - my doctor (not the one who diagnosed me) gave my antibiotics.

Hi Michelle,

Wow.....I too have a lump in the right side of my neck. I found it a few weeks ago and haven't had a chance to show my Dr. yet. I had a MVD last June, 2010. I have TN on both sides now. I was wondering if it was a side effect of the Tegretol (1,400-1,600 mg/day), Lyrica (75-100 mg/day) or Pristiq (only started Pristiq about a month ago). It's been a little scary and I just don't need another thing right now. Please let me know what your results are.

Sending (((hugs))) and warm wishes your way for a healthy outcome.

In friendship,



Thanks so far everyone, I'm going to get myself down to the hospital this week to give blood and once the results come back i'll let you all know.

Take care for now


Well the blood tests came back all clear so it is definitely just a side effect of the Tegretol. I seems that everytime I up my doseage it comes back for a while and then settles down.

Waiting to hear from pain management now and possibly need to go back for another MRI but we'll see...

Bye for now


Be very careful with Tegretol. It takes about 4 weeks for the reaction to present. I just retrieved the list of reactions that I wrote out for my doctor, when I presented with the allergic reaction.
TremorsTachycardia 108Ectopics x 1 timeFlu like sensationsMuscle cramps in lower abdo and legsDizzinessSore throat Glands swollen in neck

Make sure your liver function is tested. It suits most people so don’t panic just be vigilant. xxxConstipation

Michelle said:

Well the blood tests came back all clear so it is definitely just a side effect of the Tegretol. I seems that everytime I up my doseage it comes back for a while and then settles down.

Waiting to hear from pain management now and possibly need to go back for another MRI but we’ll see…

Bye for now


Lol at the “constipation” placement. Bloody iPhone!!!

Anne said:

Be very careful with Tegretol. It takes about 4 weeks for the reaction to present. I just retrieved the list of reactions that I wrote out for my doctor, when I presented with the allergic reaction. TremorsTachycardia 108Ectopics x 1 timeFlu like sensationsMuscle cramps in lower abdo and legsDizzinessSore throat Glands swollen in neck

Make sure your liver function is tested. It suits most people so don’t panic just be vigilant. xxxConstipation

Michelle said:

Well the blood tests came back all clear so it is definitely just a side effect of the Tegretol. I seems that everytime I up my doseage it comes back for a while and then settles down.

Waiting to hear from pain management now and possibly need to go back for another MRI but we’ll see…

Bye for now


Thanks Anne,

I've been taking tegretol now for about 8 weeks, luckily I have only had the swollen neck glands which settle down after a few days. The doctor did a blood test to check my kidney and liver and they all came back fine (phew!). It only seems to flare up when I up my dosage and then settles down again so I'm not too worried. I told the Doctor that if it won't kill me then I'll put up with it as the regeme of drugs seems to working for me.

Speak to you again soon,


Anne said:

Lol at the "constipation" placement. Bloody iPhone!!!

Anne said:
Be very careful with Tegretol. It takes about 4 weeks for the reaction to present. I just retrieved the list of reactions that I wrote out for my doctor, when I presented with the allergic reaction. TremorsTachycardia 108Ectopics x 1 timeFlu like sensationsMuscle cramps in lower abdo and legsDizzinessSore throat Glands swollen in neck
Make sure your liver function is tested. It suits most people so don't panic just be vigilant. xxxConstipation

Michelle said:

Well the blood tests came back all clear so it is definitely just a side effect of the Tegretol. I seems that everytime I up my doseage it comes back for a while and then settles down.

Waiting to hear from pain management now and possibly need to go back for another MRI but we'll see...

Bye for now


Just read this and am letting out a huge sigh in relief. I was wondering about the swollen glands on my right side too and am also laughing at the constipation. I really didn't want to stop as I don't seem to have to many other side effects on this one. I'll keep an eye and if it persists, I'll pop into my GP.