Hi all,
Hoping to open up a discussion with other Tegretol users. I've been on it 9 months and for the first few months it seemed to be doing it's job, attacked my GPN and reduced the pain a bit. However, after 6 months and a mistake by my pharmacy on my dosage, 3 months later I'm still trying to get back to where I was with the drugs last June. In the last few weeks I have headaches all the time particularly around when I take the 400mg tablets (twice a day) - have tried eating some food then a tablet then more food plus plenty of water and lots of other variations of how to take the meds but nothing works and my brain feels like it is sapped of water constantly.
I'm curious to see what other users' experiences of this drug have been and if these symptoms are telling me I've come to the end of my shelf life using Tegretol and it's time to try something else. My worry is that it seems to "work" on the GPN pain and switching drugs before had me bed-ridden in agony for 4 weeks until the new drugs took over. How long has anyone else been on Tegretol, what have side effects been etc?
Thanks guys, Amanda x