Stereotactic Radiosurgery

What is this, and has anyone done it and had success?

here is some info-- double check if this procedure can make an MVD less successful--I know some treatments that cause scarring can do that...

I had it done didn’t work for me .

not to spoke you but Hopkins is NO LONGER recommending this or cyberknife or gamma knife...they are publishing a study on the terrible affects AND even though my AD appeared after my MVD + Rhizotomy #2, EVERYONE I have connected with that has AD has had the Gamma knife procedure done. Scary scary sh*t and I would not wish AD on anyone

Hopkins has stated that they will NOT recommend it for anyone under 90

Thank you for all of the input...I have a friend that is a Radiation Oncologist and he has treated a few people with this and it's been successful. He had asked if I had ever thought of doing that, but I don't know enough about ANY of the treatments for TN. I know I need to educate myself better...I guess I am in denial about it all...