Stem Cell PRP Therapy

Hi All

Has anybody tried Stem Cell Therapy and if so, what where the outcomes? I have just made an appointment to see a new doctor in Australia.

I was just reading about this today. Interested to hear opinions.

Stem cell therapy and platelet rich plasma therapy are two different things sometimes but not always used together.

I had platelet rich plasma today in my supraorbital nerve. It’s supposed to take 5 to 7 days to achieve results.

In prp therapy the doctor draws blood, puts it In a centrifuge and separates and collects the platelet rich plasma which contain many growth factors. It’s supposed to enhance your bodies own healing mechanism .The doctor can inject the platelets within 1/2 hour of the blood draw so it’s a relatively simple and inexpensive procedure ( relatively ). My doc had extra and injected some in my neck, back , butt shoulders ;))

Stem cell therapy is more complex . It’s usually made from your bone marrow in a lab. I believe it’s used more frequently when there is tissue damage as it promotes growth as well as healing . I read a few studies about it being particuarly effective in severe osteoarthritis .I hope this laypersons explanation helps:)

And yes !!! It hurt like crazy !

I had the platelet rich plasma injection in my supraorbital nerve on Tuesday morning. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the pain was almost unbearable . The left side of my face was swollen and it felt like there was an excavation team behind my eye 24/7. I was barely functioning.
Well today I am good. Very good ! Less pain than I have had in about 6 months . I have atn with pretty constant gnawing pain .

As we all know this thing tends to come and go . I have heard this can take up to 12 days for full effect . I am cautiously optimistic ! Will keep you all posted

Update: I still feel pretty good. It’s not gone but also not debilitating - pain down many notches . I did an hour on the elliptical today :):slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback Jay jay and great to hear you were able to do some exercise!

I too have constant pain and have come off all medications, as none where helping at all. I now just take pain medicine when the pain is too much to handle. Having had this for many years now, I must say my pain threshold has increased ten fold!

I have to wait a couple of weeks for my appointment as there aren't too many doctors practicing this in Perth, so I will update when I've had my treatment.

Not moving is not an option for me . I have been involved in sports since I was 15. It keeps me sane and spirited
Ya. My pain threshold is pretty high . I’ll be hiking with up to an 8.5. Not sure if this is a good thing !
I think that meds change our perception of pain . I’m really glad your doing your best without them
Keep me posted on your prp, stem cell journey . I look forward to some good news :slight_smile:

I was curious as to your outcome of your Stem Cell Therapy. I’m currently looking at doing this procedure in Florida for my facial pain. For TN and pain under my nose where tooth #8 would be located. My uncle has had heart and back stem therapy with GREAT success and the doctor who treated his back has done several TN patients with success. Curious as to how yours turned out. Was advised that I might need three treatments. These are not covered under insurance. How many treatments did you do?

Sorry for the delay . I only did one treatment with PRP for my TN . I got some relief but I don’t think enough to do it again
In November I did some Accupuncture I started on “Qing Shang Juan tong” . I have been on it since then ( for months without Accupuncture treatment) and I have about 75% total relief. Some times I don’t feel it for weeks at a time . Good luck to you

Hi Southerngal,

Where in Florida is the service provided?



Southerngal said:

I was curious as to your outcome of your Stem Cell Therapy. I'm currently looking at doing this procedure in Florida for my facial pain. For TN and pain under my nose where tooth #8 would be located. My uncle has had heart and back stem therapy with GREAT success and the doctor who treated his back has done several TN patients with success. Curious as to how yours turned out. Was advised that I might need three treatments. These are not covered under insurance. How many treatments did you do?

Wanyed to update .
I saw my neurologist this past wee and I asked about stem cells for my supra orbital nerve area. He informed me that the needles for stem cells are too big for this .
He suggested I do an A2m treatment which is an anti inflammatory protein in the blood .
I am currently researching this further and considering my options .

Wanted :slight_smile:

Hi Jay_jay1
I had the A2M treatment yesterday. I’ll let you know if anything positive comes from it. Hang in there.