Staying strong

It’s been a really bad week but today it got the better of and I lost it a little bit. We really can’t let the pain get the better of us can we?! It’s hard ignoring it and continuing on as though everythings fine but that’s what we have to do :frowning: thankgod I’m able to have contact with my doctor my savior! Also thankgod for this group it helps me knowing there are others going through the same, it helps me stay strong :slight_smile:

Now I’m zonked off my head on drugs with a fever and nausea with kids in bed and a husband working away I’m just praying the baby sleeps well tonight!

Oh --- can you get some help -- family/friend

somebody to cook dinner -- a friend to come by so you can get a nap?

Don't be afraid in asking -- chronic pain and sickness - that's a double whammy-- glad you can come here!

Ive' done my share of yellin when I don't feel good -- haven't even got to the surgery yet!

One hour at a time!
