Sorry been awhile

Sometimes i just seem to hide away when i feel this way.Will since the last time i post saw my doctoc.He added Topiramate to my med.Hmm what can i say.Light headed speach is alittle funny at times and tired.(and still trying to live a normal life)Had a friend laugh at me cuz my speach was a little slur.She though it was funny but i felt like crying.Side affect of these damn meds i guess.And guess what i STill have this god for saken pain!!! Back to the doc in 2 more weeks to see what other pills he can add to make me feel like a fool…

Be careful with that stuff! I was on Topiramate for about a year but had to stop taking it when my forgetfulness turned into amnesia! I forgot how to drive, couldn’t remember what controls in the car did what, which side of the road to be on… yikes! I also had hallucinations, felt unbearably tired and sad, and it didn’t help control the pain. Of all the things they had me try, that drug was the worst. I know, everyone is different and it might help some.

I do the same thing when I don’t feel right.

Sad thing Suzanne i misplaced something yesterday and found it in a place it shouldnt be…Hopefull it aint the Topiramate…Was it hard to get off of…

Suzanne Marriott said:

Be careful with that stuff! I was on Topiramate for about a year but had to stop taking it when my forgetfulness turned into amnesia! I forgot how to drive, couldn’t remember what controls in the car did what, which side of the road to be on… yikes! I also had hallucinations, felt unbearably tired and sad, and it didn’t help control the pain. Of all the things they had me try, that drug was the worst. I know, everyone is different and it might help some.

It wasn’t hard to get off of it, but I did have to go off of it gradually. That was the hard part… I would have liked to stop taking it right away, but that can be dangerous with these kinds of drugs. Especially when the neurologist kept upping the dosage over the course of a year. The one positive thing about Topamax: I lost about 20 pounds! And more than a few brain cells (HA!)

is topiramate the same drug as topamax? my pain is getting much worse lately. Wondering what they are going to put me on next.

Suzanne Marriott said:

It wasn’t hard to get off of it, but I did have to go off of it gradually. That was the hard part… I would have liked to stop taking it right away, but that can be dangerous with these kinds of drugs. Especially when the neurologist kept upping the dosage over the course of a year. The one positive thing about Topamax: I lost about 20 pounds! And more than a few brain cells (HA!)

Yep, topiramate is the generic of Topamax. I was taking topiramate but I called it “dope-a-max” for obvious reasons! They kept putting me on different drugs, nothing that worked very well, usually made me feel awful. That’s why I finally begged to see a neurosurgeon. I didn’t know if they would do the MVD, but I thought it was worth a chance. My head still hurts, but it is just from the surgery, no more TN pain! It’s a testimony to how bad TN really is, that having a hole in my head, and a big incision with 12 staples doesn’t hurt nearly as much as the pain I’ve had for the last 6 years!

Thanks for the information about Topiramate…Any information is a help…STill having the pain and hoping that the pills well one day take it all away.(guess thats alot to ask for)Well keep u all updated as i only have another 2 weeks on the meds to see what the next step is.And suzanne i wouldnt mine losing the 20 pounds lol…Hope u all are having a pain free day…