Short Story

First attack of pain in molars 2 months ago. Intermittant distress, but I chalked it off to food particles or gingivitis. Dentist and orthodontist found nothing. Doctor same.

An attack 2 months ago, lasted maybe 2 days.

Next attack a month ago, lasted 2 days.

Newest attack, what a doozie. Teaching karate and after the class wow, real pain. Stayed this time. Dammit! Codeine worthless, naproxone the same. Sat it out for a week, have friend who is nurse practitiner.

Now what was interesting is that I play WORLD OF WARCRAFT online game and one woman I play with is nurse practitoner in neurology specialist. She says dude, doesnt sound like a cavity. Sounds neuro. You need neuro drugs.

MD friend suggests gabapentin. On it now, 300 mg tablets, just taking to pain tolerance. I think I have taken about 5 or 6 a day, just tried 600 mg dosages too, cuz yesterday sucked.

Disappars when I am working, I am makeup artist, so I get involved with work, it goes. Night comes, look out! However neurontin works nice. When I go to sleep I make a cocktail: Lorazapam, Gabapentin, Codeine, Naproxone. That gives me solid 8 hours. Today is pain free so far. Went for long bike ride. Seeing dentist later this week, had panarex done, thats a 360 view xray of mouth.

Will update as things progress. Lots of love, Davis.