When TN started I also have the shock feeling in arms and legs. Really my whole body does not feel right. The sun and real cold bother my skin including my face as well. It's summer now and I cannot go outside. My doctor ordered and MRI of cervical spine and brain. Some of u may know that I did the brain but I only got through the first part without contrast. That is because I also have hyperacusis-extreme sensitivity to sound. All this is just torture to me. Going over results of brain MRI in a couple days.
Just wondering if any of u experience the shock/pain on other parts of body other than face/scalp.
Have you Tried Lyrica, that is supposed to work for body shocks/nerve pain, called fibromyalgia, sometimes Cymbalta can work for that as well. I read that The Cervical spine nerve pains may also be treated by a chiropractor. Google them out.
i am recently going to a chiro, but my neurologist wants me to get an MRi first of the cerv spine-he did mention fibromyalgia. I guess the shocks/pain in arms legs cannot be from TN. RIght? I just really don't want ANOTHER diagnosis!! UGH! and I am terrified of another MRI!!!
Red says that shock pains below the jaw area are not TN. I have shocks in my right arm, pretty bad ones too. It seems they are connected with my Carpal Tunnel problems. That does not mean that is your Dx of course. I know what you mean though, as someone who has multiple medical problems every time I have a new diagnosis I crumble a little more inside. And I never seem to have “normal” stuff either! My husband says “you do worry me with your weird health problems!”.
I know how you feel, but hang in there, you must do whatever you have to do in order to get all those pains under control. I'm going for a second opinion with another Neurosurgeon about an hour an a half from my home, he may ask me to do another MRI; but I'm not sure since the last one is pretty recent. I'm taking the disk with me so that he can take a look at it.