Sharp, Persistent Ear Pain!?!?!?!?!?

I know, I ask lots of questions...

I have had persistent, annoying, sharp ear pain for FOUR years. Is this a TN symptom? Or, should I be looking into other Neuralgia's that may cause this? Also, what are those Neuralgia's called?

Yes it is called Geniculate Neuralgia. I have that as well and It is aweful.I havent found any of my meds help this at all. Sorry you have had so much trouble for so long.

Sounds like Geniculate Neuralgia may be a candidate. Here is a link to the sub group here where you may be able to explore further. I feel for you,I suffer from this also.

Response to medications is variable between patients for any of the facial neuralgias, LF. So I urge you to engage with a good neurologist and let him or her walk you through a series of drug trial prescriptions. Start with the anti-siezure meds (Tegretol, Trileptal, Neurontin, a few others). If you don't get a good response with acceptable side effects, the second group for trial is the TCAs (Tricyclic Antidepressants) like Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline, and about 8 others. Lyrica helps some people with Geniculate Neuralgia. Booster drugs can be added: Baclofen, Flexiril, Valium in low doses, perhaps the cortico-stereoid meds. If needed, breakthrough pain can be addressed with the narcotic drugs (Percocet, Vicodin, others).

Do let us know how you are doing from time to time...

Go in Peace and Power


I've been having some shooting pains in my ear and some nights I can't lie on my left side because the pressure on my ear is too uncomfortable though these symptoms have increased considerably since having a tooth pulled two weeks ago on my affected side.

Going to the chiropractor has helped some of the sharp ear pain but I haven't felt real good since the tooth extraction. The first week was not fun, the last week better in terms of pain, but exhausted from dealing with so much chronic pain in my face (and a little grumpy, too).