Flare Up - please help me

This is so obviously NOT a sinus infection as the ENT thought it was.

I have something MAJOR wrong and right now my ear feel like a gigantic burning raw nerve with a n ice pick shooting thru it. It hurts so bad that even a puff of wind or feather light touch is EXCRUCIATING.

I do NOT know what to do. Vicodin hasn't helped, nor has any standard OTC stuff.

I'm at work, crying from the pain..

Please help me.

That is one of my symptoms Hot burning ear and stabbing icepick feeling. All I can say is that my neurologist has me on carbamazepine 200mg 4-5x a day. Hope you get relief soon.

You need to get an appointment with a "good" neurologist that accepts TN as a treatable condition. Any exposure or experience with TN is a plus. Ask the receptionist or appt person if the doctor has treated anyone with the disorder or has attended any conferences on TN. Good luck and try putting some heat on your ear and face to reduce the pain for now.

I haven't yet seen a neuro or been diagnosed with TN, but based on my own research it seems to me it's what's I've got. So far, I've only been to an ENT.

Does what I'm describing sound like TN?? It certainly doesn't feel like TMJ (as someone told me it was today). And no, I don't have a migraine in my ear as another person told me.

i so much feel you.. .i have that constant pain 24/7 ... sleeping with sleeping pills...

but - if you haven't been to a neuro. - you must.

i don't so much appreciate all the meds.. (if only they made the pain disappear .... people say Tegratol is the best is succeeded (although the side effects)...

There is a tab 2 invites regarding ear pain. It might be helpful. You need to see a good Neurologist.

I'd say, make an appointment with your General Practitioner as soon as possible if your insurance mandates that you get a referral to see specific physicians. 1) You would see a Neurologist. 2) If it is deemed that you suffer from TN Type I, or II, I would ask tell that same General Practitioner to give me a referral to a pain clinic!

Right now, warmth or cold may help. Sleep as much and when you can until you can get to the doctor. Push duties and obligations that can wait until later.

Best wishes to you and good luck.

Real good advice Stef!!

I got prescription lidocaine patches and cream from my doctor ASAP for breakthru pain

AS others here have said, it is imperative that you see a neurologist. When my 9 years of being bounced around with no treatments and casual "It may go away or it may not" statements culminated in a terrible acceleration of pain in September of 2011, I realized I couldn't live like that. Unbelievable, but true, I got an ENT appt for a day after I called. When I arrived, I realized my new doctor was in his 80's. He was kind, sharp, did some tests, sent me for tests, called me himself the following Sat. and said that he thought I had TN. From there on, it was one dr. after another, until we said last week (to another neurologist) "Don't pass the buck. If you don't know what you are doing, say so." I tried Lyrica (really bad for me) Cymbalta (terrible for a diabetic) and for the last 6 weeks, Tegretol, which seems like it might be helping a little bit. You have to build up slowly. Ativan helps me sleep. When the ear pain gets as bad as you describe, there is nothing you can do but give in and go to bed. Try a little tea tree oil (most drug stores have it) in the ear, warm compresses may help. No, it is not an ear infection and don't let them push you around. I've taken to printing out stuff from the internet on TN that shows it doesn't follow one particular pattern. I hand it out to the smug ones. I've finally been involved with a pain management group for 6 weeks. The first group wouldn't take me because it wasn't spine-related and he isn't a "pill dispenser" as he put it. I told him since he can't cure it or medicate it he should get a job in a different field because he's useless. Pain sure changes your personality. My neuro gave me Percocet 10/325 4x a day. It knocks the pain from a 10 to an 8. I'll take anything at that point. I wish you well.

I sure do feel for you... My pain sends me thru the roof... I seem to be allergic to most Meds they can give you for TN... So I'm stuck with methadone and gabapentin for the pain.. which so far seems to be helping.. and the hot packs I've seen everyone here use, They really do help.... All I can say is get a good Neurologist...and get in for a MRI as soon as possible , so you can get the treatment you so very deserve.... Because no one should, have to be in pain...

Has anyone tried a TENS unit for their TN pain???