- Lately I've noticed that the pressure from my reading glasses makes thae TN Monster wakes up, so I had to stretch them out, but the best way is placing them way up away from the the temple.

- For lip shock which is there most of the time, I use ambesol and it calms it down at least for a little while.

- If I look down as if reading or chatting on my cell phone, the TN Monster wakes up, so I have to raise the phone up to eye level in order not to wake it up.

- During work, I walk away from the computer every hour, or close my eyes and take off the glasses for a little while.

- For nausea I started taking Ginger Root capsules.

- Getting some Potassium supplements since I workout at least three days a week and also sweat a lot due to hot flashes.

- I read the Vitamin B12 may be good, starting today with a groupong I found.

- Looking for an affordable Chiropractor specialist on Upper Cervical Treatment.

Please post your suggestions

I use a blue tooth when talking on the cell phone. It helps to not wake up the jaw pain, don't know why but it works for me.

I use a blue tooth as well, I have a neck injury and its hard to lift my arm, the blue tooth is a godsend and you can even do dishes etc while talking, lol.
