My neurologist is of the opinion that my TN is caused by scar tissue from a previous brain surgery, even though he cannot see any scar tissue on my MRI.
Has anyone else been told this, or had that found as the cause post MVD?
Thanks for all feed back. You are my greatest resource!
If you're dealing with scar tissue (Chiari surgery), then most likely you are dealing with trigeminal neuropathy rather than neuralgia. The distinction is important because it can lead to treatment with different medications. Please see our Face Pain Info tab, and read the TN Fact Sheet from the top of the Main page.
Regards, Red
Thanks for your thoughts, Red. I am still not sure if it is scar tissue from the previous surgery, or entirely unrelated. I am hoping to get some answers in a few weeks when I see Dr. brown in NY
Say hello to Dr Jeff Brown for me. I've met him a couple of times in TN Association conferences, and and referred other patients to him on occasion.
Regards, Red
Will do!
By the way, I went back and reread the facial pain info like you suggested. I have classic TN1 ,all the classic symptoms and I did respond well to Tegretol, but discontinued it due to allergic reaction. I also have the constant burning, boring pain of TN2, and recently have been having short periods of pain on the opposite side. I really question the scar tissue presumption. My neurologist also stated that based on this, he would recommend a radio frequency procedure, which I do not like the sound of. I am so looking forward to my appointment with Dr. Brown.
Best regards
Christine, the stats on MVD are better than for RF Rhizotomy, but it is more invasive surgery with a chance of more significant side effects. MVD is also significantly more expensive (~$100K plus in the US, before insurance). These are among the tradeoffs for TN patients.
Regards, Red
Is scared tissue is the same as Neuroma ?
Him, don’t know but I will look into it.
Neuroma is a tumor or growth occurring in nerve tissue. See This isn't quite the same thing as a lesion or scar.
Regards, Red