Rhizotomy surgery

Saw a surgeon today and he said a rhizotomy would have a 90% chance of getting rid of my trigeminal neuralgia pain. Surgery to remove the brain tumor would probably only have a 60% chance of getting rid of the pain. They are going to continue to monitor the brain tumor with mri's.

Has anybody had this procedure? I started searching on the web, and saw a lot of negative side effects from this.

Please share your experiences!

I read alot and it says it works best for TM, not ATN. Best of luck to you!

If you have TN …MVD is best…long term
But with your situation i dont know if you are a candidate…can you find out!?

From what I've read, MVD is used when there is a blood vessel pushing against a nerve. My problem is that there is a tumor up in the meckel cave area of the brain that is putting pressure on the trigeminal nerve. The meckel cave area is very small and is very difficult to get to surgically.

If you need a second opinion… You are not too far to go see dr. Ken casey
And see what he thinks!

Hi Shirleyk,

One of our members Donna just recently had surgery for her tumour including rhizotomy maybe you could contact her?

Here’s a link to her profile.


(( hugs )) Mimi

I had a radiofrequency rhizotomy in May 2013 and had 100% pain relief with zero side effects for 11 months. I am a younger patient--24-years-old--so I might have bounced back more quickly than others. For me, it was one hour in and out, including sedation time. I had the procedure on a Friday and was back to work on Monday. I felt very infrequent twinges for two weeks after, but after that nothing at all until about two weeks ago. As soon as I was able to be titrated off the meds (maybe 2 months after the procedure), I was totally med-free. It worked really well for me, but was something that I expected to be a repeat procedure.