Rhizotomy of GPN and Vagus nerve


I had GPN MVD in August 2014 and since then my pain got worse. I had a MRI today and it seems that the Teflon-sponge, inserted to push the blood vessel away from the 9th cranial nerve is now creating problems by putting pressure on another nerve.

I will most probably have to have surgery again, to remove the Teflon-sponge.

Since it is already a brain surgery and ALL other options failed to provide me with permanent pain relief, my surgeon will most probably cut the 9th and partial 10th cranial nerve.

Did anyone have this surgery performed?

Please let me know about your experiences, especially side-effects like losing your voice, hearing or capability to swallow.

I am afraid of this surgery but it might be my last chance to live a life worth living.

PLEASE share your experiences with me. You can also PM me.



Hi Mike, This is the surgery I had 17 years ago. They cut the 9th nerve and upper rootlets of Vegas. 10th nerve not sure.

I am able to swallow, however I do have to concentrate. No hearing loss. I was afraid as well before the surgery. That' s normal Mike. As you know I still have all the pain and I will be reviewed in the near future. I really think we have to listen to the experts and after that go with your gut. Only you know the affect the pain is having on your life. My pain has made inroads into every area of my life. There are no guarantee's with this surgery as with many surgery's.

I do remember my Father driving me into the Hospital and I said I was frightened. His reply was the odds are good. If you have a stroke, don't worry . People recover from strokes!!! We laughed about that after. He was such an optimist.

Good luck Mike and take care. WW

Hello WW

Thanks for your information.

Good to hear that the surgery at least did not cause too much damage. How hard is it to eat? do you have big problems or is it bearable? I am sorry that it did not help.

I met my surgeon yesterday and after having performed every imaginable pain management procedure available, he said that this surgery is more or less my last chance to regain my life.

As you mentioned.... in my case this pain destroyed everything, I lost my job, career and I am divorced by now ... the pain just took everything.

All the best
