Remission with tingling

I’ve had TN for about 10 years. I Had a cyberknife treatment about two years ago. I Was on tegratol and Lyrica . I think I am now in remission . The pain in my forehead has disappeared. I noticed that chewing was very painful .It was like the pain had moved to my mouth. This was a different type of pain, it wasn’t like pain that came and went. This was a constant bearable pain. My Neuralogist called it type two TN.

I stopped taking Lyrica and tegratol about four months ago. I have no real pain anywhere. The only thing I noticed is that my lips tingle and my nose tingles. My mouth fells strange but not painful. I’m very grateful for this remission and hope it lasts. A year ago I went to see a surgeon I was desperate .
HAs anyone else had this tingling?

Yes, I have tingling all the time. It’s called paraesthesia and it’s a symptom of a nerve problem.

Congrats on your remission!