My main reason was that for 4 months I had the shooting freight train pain running thru my head and face over and over, after maintaining it with meds for 12 years. That is how long it took to finally get my MVD. 61/2 weeks ago. I was hanging by my finger nails, This is the WORST pain I have ever had. Sometimes desperation causes us to try anything! I am hardly using any of that, now, just advil and a muscle relaxor periodically. Best of luck to you.
I find the cbd oil works great on my TN pain, but I only use it at night, as it makes me sleepy, but I feel good through out the day.
I have done a lot of research about medical marihuana and trigeminal neuralgia. Research it and you will be very surprised at what you read and how it can help.
Everybody is different
Use search here… Will find many postings!
Think twice about this wonder MVD thing. I had it and had I knew then what I know
now I would never NEVER of had it. THe pain comes back anyway and the side affects of MVD is it’s own hell. I mean HELL> I lost hearing in one ear, my face is dead, I can’t hold food in my mouth, my eye on the side of the mvd hurts like blazes. It gets dry because I can not feel on that side anymore. Really think twice befror you have mvd.
Wheels 4 legs, said all that?