Public tn finally happened

Well, with the increase of the frequency of the attacks it was bound to happen. I was at a meeting tonight, had my hand up in the air to ask a question and whamo, they hit.

Luckily some of the people knew I had some sort of mouth thing going on and the others had quite a bit of concern. I immediately grabbed my jaw and the tears started to flow. Quickly I jumped from my chair and ran to the ladies rest room. Gosh darn the stupid stunk to high heaven from the previous user. I could not bear to say in there to compose myself. I was able to stay in there long enough to grab out my two medicines and swallow them. A couple of my friends came in to give me support and hugs.

I hope it was okay to swallow these meds, the Carbamazepine and the Baclo??? I believe I was already over the instructed amount? I do know the pain did not last as long, nor were the jolts as severe. Instead of everything being 1,000 on a scale of 1 - 10 they were maybe 100? So I guess this means the medicine is working? Or does this mean I'm getting better?

All I know is I can not keep up this amount of medication....I fell asleep at my therapist's office today and he called my husband to pick me up I was so wasted.

Sooo, chime in all whacha think about some of this?



I have had several public TN attacks. Many people walk past me and stare at me in rude ways. A couple kind hearted people stopped to attempt to help me, and I am very thankful for them. But it is very embarrassing for me.

Nice that you have some support Phoebe. I had a public attack this week also, and just like you, I put my hand to my mouth and was afraid to move it, slilent tears flowed. I did manage to take a couple meds and it passed in about ten min. It was my job source connection that saw me, and I think for the first time he realized just a little bit of how severe this pain can be. Even people I know, can brush it off, ignore me or worse yet say "I thought the surgery fixed all that". Hang in there. kg