Possibly new to TN

Hi Everyone~

I don't know if I am experiencing TN or not so I am hoping I can get some thoughts or advice from you. I am almost 50, have been diagnosed with MS since 2001, but had symptoms for about 4 years prior to diagnosis. One of the early symptoms I had was the right side of my face went very numb for about 2-3 months. Recently within the last year I have had two seperate incidences in which I had sharp electrical shooting shocks and sharp pains on the right side of my face when eating, washing face, and brushing teeth. Brushing teeth is worse. It's weird because I can't really even tell where it is coming from- it just seems to come from the right side of my lower jaw. I thought it might be someting with a tooth so I went to the dentist, however he could find nothing, not even the pin point of where it was coming from. Now its back again, so I am thinking it is something MS related. Last time it gradually just went away on its own. Does this sound descriptive of TN? While it is uncomfortable at this point, it is not excrutiating, however, I hear that TN is progressive? Any insight would be appreciated!

It does sound like TN. I have TN and with both of my flair ups the first place I went was the dentist. The pain is difficult to describe and difficult to pinpoint. It can also travel. Mine is in my upper or lower molars on the left side, into the jaw, cheek and ear. Sometimes it is in one place, sometimes the entire side.

Everyone's pain in different too. My mother has MS and has suffered horribly from TN pain at different times throughout the past 20 years. I do not have MS but have been diagnosed with Atypical TN. It is a progressive desease, but then again, everyone's experience is different.

Good luck to you :)

Yes could be…they are linked for many… Put MS in the search box above, for info.

Here is the group here for TN AND MS


Thanks everyone- I appreciate your help!

Most definitely sounds like TN, and from what I understand about 20% of MS patients can develop it. Kc sent you a great link so I would take a look at that.

Also you need to let your neurologist know what is going on so they can give you some meds for the TN. Sorry to say but it can progress, so its best to get some control on it now.


Sounds like TN to me and you can get TN from MS. Get to a neuro and see if you can get on some meds. Good luck!

Yes, Kristy, this sounds exactly like my TN. It's more common to have TN when you have MS. About 2 - 4% of us get it. Your MS neuro should be able to help you with meds. If it gets severe, the only surgical option you'll have is a rhizotomy. For more info, check http://www.umanitoba.ca/cranial_nerves/trigeminal_neuralgia/manuscript/types.html#mstn

I would tell your doctor right away

Thanks everyone- I did let my neurologist at UC Davis know but I'm having a difficult time getting in to see her. She did prescribe Tegretol which I've read up on and the side effects alone sound horrific! My pain is not severe enough at this point for me to take this med. Its weird- some days it is much worse than other days for no apparent reason. I must admit I was terrified when I first googled my symtoms and TN came up...and I still am frightened of this diagnosis. I'm very grateful to have found this supportive website. Thank you all so much for your input.