Pain management referral

I have been referred to pain management and I am awaiting my first consultation appointment. Can someone please share some experience with me as to what I can expect or how I can approach my for my treatment? My pain is with AD and atypical. TN 2. Thank you.

I just saw you live in Beaverton, Oregon. I am in Portland. The best pain specialist in the area for facial pain management is Dr Brett Stacey at OHSU. He has made facial pain treatment his specialty. Like most pain doctors he will not prescribe medications on the first visit. Also take all your treatment records with you. This will give them a idea what has been done already. Do not be surprised if tests are ordered. Remember you are the boss of your medical care. If you are able, take someone to the appointment with you, who can speak up for you, if your are hurting.

Hi Collette. My first vist with pain mngmt Dr he asked me where, when, level of pain, and medication I have tried. I am sure my neurologist forwarded my medical records. The Dr immediately scheduled me for a nerve block. Unfortunately 3 hours after the procedure pain came back. 4 week follow up an 2nd procedure, radio frequency ablation and added topamax along with current meds(lamitcal). Procedure I had no relief. 4 week follow up anothe radio frequency ablation. Again did not work so he added bifolec and stopped topomax. I was not able to function with topomax. Too dopey. Last week I had a medicine follow up for bifolec, he stopped the medicine since it too did not work. I have now been referred to a neuro surgeon. Office called today and getting mri scheduled. Last mri 9 years ago.

I will have to give the pain mgmt credit for trying to help. The radio frequency a lot of TN patients have some relief. I wish you well.

Hi, have you had your first appointment with the Pain Management Dr? Let je know how it goes. I'm curious what steps the doctor will take. Will he/she do the same as mine did.

Hi Kelli,

No I have not had my first appointment yet it is on April 7th. I am really nervous that he will not believe me cuz supposedly he is really tough to get through to.I also feel like when you get referred to a pain clinic you are already being judged and and sized up as a drug seeker which I am not. I just want to not be miserable for once. Oh well we will see. Thanks for checking in with me and I will let you know for sure.