I am here because I am not sure if I have GPN. I have had some teeth removed in the past 2 years and that took care of the pain. but the partial plate is painful and I keep getting it get adjusted. but I have had pain in one area for a year, and it is under my left nostril. I went to the best ent dr. who said it wasn't sinuses. he sent me to a neurologist. I have no idea whether he was a good dr. or not. but he found out that I have sjogren's, said it was not neuralgia, and wants me to go to a rheumatologist. but he also had a dr. in training with him and asked him his opinion first, and this dr. said it didn't sound like neuralgia. (I have two books on TN, and I look at the symptoms and they don't sound like neuralgia but dental problems.) so this neurologist wanted me to go back to my family dr. and tell him to get me into see a rheumatologist. I went back to him, and I must say that my family dr. said a year ago that it was neuralgia and sent me to a different neurologist. I went and just pointed to where my pain was. he gave me gabapentin. said it had no side effects. I asked about tests. he said, if gabapentin works then you have neuralgia. I took the medicine once, and I thought I was going to die. the pain was horrible, it intensified, I had a splitting headache, and I felt very strange and the strangeness is why I thought I was dying. so here it is a a year later and when I took the results of the test to my family dr. he didn't bother to look at them but immediately said, 'it is glosso..l neuraligia.' go back to the dr. I sent you to. didn't he say that you had neuralgia. "NO, he said to take gaba and if it worked I have it, but it didn't work." but all this is after having tried other kinds of anti-seizure meds that gave me horrible side effects without helping the pain. so I went back,, and he read me what my family dr. said, asked me if I had pain in tongue, throat, etc. and I said NO, why? he just smiled. then I was rubbing my tongue along my gums as they were dry, and he said that you have more pain than you are admitting. I said, 'I am not in pain right now.' he gave me tramadol, said it was not addictive, told me to take it 2 x a day. I asked him to write down what I had, and he wrote glosso---. I called the pharmacy, and they said that tramadol was addictive and that you don't have to take it daily for it to work. one pill will work. I took one pill and four hours later I still hurt. then it constipated me. talk about a lot of laxatives the next day.
my pain is about an inch long from my nose to the top of my gums. it just aches, about anywhere from a 4 pain level to a 2, and I get throbbing. when I am working in the yard it is gone, but when I come in my nose clogs up and it hurts. I have a hard time draining my sinuses then.
so I went to a nurse practitoner in town with an ear ache, and she told me how to massage my sinuses. I thought that was stupid. I wanted medicine. so I went back to my family dr. who claimed that I didn't have fluid behind my ears (she had said I did), and that it was my neuralgia. that is when he sent me back to that dr. so that night I got on line and learned how to massage my sinuses. I felt fluid draining and my ear ache went away. hasn't been back. and my pain near nose when away briefly.
so anyway, after seeing my family dr's neuraligist, I went home and looked up glosso... my throat never hurts, my tongue doesn't, I have no shooting pains, no shooting pain in ear, just get earaches, as I have all my life.
so I decide to poke around that tooth near my nose with a toothpick, and it doesn't hurt in front, but when I get to the back it begins throbbing and then the ache started. I go to a dentist again. he said to floss that area good, floss hard and come back in 2 weeks. I flossed it for a week, and the pain and throbbing didn't let up for those 2 weeks. well, actually I quit flossing after a week and it settled down some, so I tried some other experiments. hot water will really causes it to ache and to throb, and it won't calm down until the next day. cold water doesn't do much. sugar doesn't do anything.
so I go back to my dentist and he thinks I need a root canal (that cap has been on my tooth since I was 18, I am 70 now. it is holding a fake tooth, so there is a bridge with two caps on each side with a strip of some kind of silver meta.
so now I sit. don't I have to have those glosso... symptoms in order for it to be neuralgia?
next, I decide to learn more about the neurologist I went to in the city. he is affiliated with 7 hospitals, and he takes on doctors after they have finished school. I called the hospital to get a referral, and they gave me him first and another dr. I asked if that means he is the best. they won't say. I call another hospital and asked about the other one. he is retired. he is actually a pediatric dr. and a neurologist. I told the woman my issues, and then asked her which one she would believe. it wasn't the pediatric one.
but the dentist who said he would do the root canal thinks that he may stir up more problems. and it all started when a dentist capped a molar without doing a root canal because it was falling apart. I went to have a root canal and the dentist couldn't do it. said there was calcification in it and it wouldn't drill through. it was pulled. then the next tooth started to hurt, so I went to a different dentist. he wanted to cap it and so he used composite filling and filled the other one with the same stuff. the pain wouldn't go away. (these are all upper teeth). I had them pulled. then I found more pain in the next tooth. another dentist wanted to do a root canal. I had it done. still had pain. went to an oral surgeon. he took out some chips and filed off the tip of that tooth, which was the eye tooth. I was now in worse pain. he said "it is either your sinuses or a bad root canal. but since the ent dr. said it wasn't sinuses then you need to go to a root canal specialist. I had it pulled. I got a partial plate. back in 1980 I had facial pain on the other side of my face. a neurologist said the medicine he could give me was heavy duty. I went to a dentist. I think he did a root canal, and when that didn't work he said, take a sineaid and if that works it is your sinuses. I did and the pain went away. so now 40 years later sineaid doesn't work. doesn't do nothing. but back then my tooth wasn't sensitive to hot or cold.
so again. here I sit. and to go up north to another neurologist seems a waste of time, and now it is winter with bad roads. a root canal specialist will just say, you need a root canal. they never worked, but pulling my teeth did. but now that I know that my partial plate hurts no matter how many times it is adjusted, I think, am I going to be toothless? and would those screw in teeth be worse?
I hope someone can give me some suggestion.