I woke up pain free
Then had to go back on low meds for 9-10 weeks
Then no meds and sometimes lidocaine patches
Now only 3 patches since March !!!!
I still have PTSD - I'm searching my closet tonight frantically
for scarves I'm not sure I'll need!
I'm sitting at a good paying job that I thought would never happen as
I wondered if I would be able to get disability instead of working
in the Brand New career with Degrees and Mega Student Loans
I wondered if my brand new marriage would crumble--every time I put my hand near my face - he still looks at me and asks "does your face hurt"? He feels helpless to keep it away forever.
I wondered how often my teen would brush off my grabbing my face
and lose concern because it was such a common thing
All I had for sure was my pets and my antidepressants
the clouds have lifted but I have changed
I get paid to help people with disabilities get back to work------ IRONIC
I thought I would be dancing in the clouds by now and skipping around
rainbows. I come here to help because it helps me to educate-- this is
one place I still belong - as remission is Never Forever
I still attend in-person group meetings - just in case / and to give hope
But I've really disconnected from my real friends whom I've dropped over 2 years, I've distanced myself - The gaps are so large now - decade long friends I've ignored while in my black hole
Why would a chronic illness of less than 2 years change your outlook still?
When will my heart be lighter
When will I stop looking over my shoulder
When will optimism return
I have no other major life crises - I'm fine - I just thought confetti would fall out of the sky
I dreamed of this day - and now it's here - why have I not resumed dancing 100% -- why only 25% ???
I'm in the mental health field and still cannot figure this out! I'm grateful, I'm content, I'm blessed, I'm lucky
Where is the parade for me - who fought sooooo hard to get here?
Why do I feel less than elated to fly to cloud 9?
I feel ashamed that I got this gift and cannot enjoy it to it's fullest because it haunts me still.
Does this make any sense?