Well, it will be 5 months soon since my MVD…I wish this was a happier update but I’ve hit a bit of a bump in the road…
Unfortunately 2 weeks ago my little “twinges” of pain started to increase …
Coincidently or not…at the same time I developed my 3rd tiny rash at the base of my healed incision. This time was different in that I felt pain inside my head just on my MVD side.
The other two times, there was no pain it felt just like an ingrown hair.
My doctor prescribed a stronger cream to treat the rash, and asked me to come back in a week.
In the meantime my TN pain worsened. After 3 days of nightmarish pain, having to pull out my trusted heating pad for the 1st time since surgery…
I decided to increase my Tegretol by one pill. This has reduced my TN pain but its not quite gone.
Not an easy decision to make.
Back to the doctor yesterday and although the tiny rash looks better, the radiating pain caused my doctor to be concerned about possible shingles.
He said after surgical procedures and persons with low immunity this can occur.
So…he prescribed me a 7 day course of anti-virals (which are already causing me nausea, headaches and vomiting ) just in case.
Right now we’re not sure what is what. Has the TN pain returned/worsened? OR is it just aggravated by a secondary issue like shingles or something else entirely?
My MVD worked to reduce my med resistant pain, it did not take it 100% away but my day to day life is 100% better.
Before MVD I was in high levels of pain 24/7 on 3 meds and nothing touched the pain, rather it was escalating…after MVD I have had no pain, my pain has been managed with just Tegretol.
I personally don’t think it’s shingles, but I’m glad my doctor is being pro-active.
I was cursing him a little as I was up all night sick to my stomach.
He was very disappointed to hear of my pain returning…as we’re my husband and daughters… Ugh the look on their faces when they saw that heating pad…of course no one is more discouraged than I right now.
Hopefully having had the MVD the result should my pain worsen could be that at least it may respond well to the meds this time. My right side TN1 continues to remain quiet
I’m very grateful for the freedom from non stop pain the MVD provided me and I hope it continues…choosing to believe this is just a little speed bump.
Not going to be around much the next few days…due to feeling unwell.
(( hugs )) Mimi